If You Leave

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This is my particular favorite so far especially the last few lines.

What will you do
When I lift up the dark wall
Will you abandon me too
The second you fall

Now you know
The darkness within the reason
Why I don't let it go
When winter is an all new season

I don't have to hide
No more excuses
Now I have cause not to go outside
What will you say when my heart refuses

Will you go on
Or let me be
Will you leave me for the dawn
Let me break just like he before she

Your not my lover
Not even close
But your not just another
Friend that chose

And they chose wrong
They will soon regret
Listening to the song
Sung by those dead set

Set on bringing me down
Good luck; Tha happy is a show
I'll laugh while watching your drown
Don't feel bad because I'm a pro
I won't be defeated
And I'll always hold the crown

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