Keeping my Promise

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It's sad how a love one dies. This is a story of a 15 year old girl almost having her quinceañera but losing her close uncle who was only 20 years old.

Alejandra, the quinceañera was going to have her 15 party on April 6, 2013. She had an uncle that was 20 years old named Aj. They were really close to each other that they told each other everything. 

Aj had dropped out of school and was in bad steps. He had a twin but they looked nothing alike. Alejandra's party already had a date. It was set. Her uncle was so excited for that day to come because considering they were poor, his dream or goal was to get on a limousine. 

One day Alejandra and Aj were hanging out when he said, "Alejandra are you going to let me ride in your limousine?" 

"No" Alejandra said playfully. Of course she would let him, he was more than a brother to her. He loved him with all he'd heart. 

"Please? Come on" begged Aj 




"Come on please let me ride with you" 

"Of course I'll let you ride with me on my limousine." Alejandra finally caved in. She bated torturing him like that. 

Aj beamed and gave her a huge hug. "Thank you. I love you my niece" 

"I love you too uncle" she hugged back. 

"In your quinceañera I'm going to wear all white. I'll be wearing everything white, not my hair of course because I'm still too young." Aj joked the last part and they both laughed. 

"You'll look handsome wearing all white" Alejandra said with a smile. 

Unfortunately the party had to be cancelled and given a new date because a friend of the mother of Alejandra wanted to have her daughters 15 party that date. 

Mother's friend: so when is Alejandra's 15? 

Mom: April 6 

Mother's friend: what? But I wanted that date for my daughter's birthday. Can't you get another date? 

Mom: but the party is set. 

Mother's friend: please. 

Mom: fine. 

So the new 15 party date was set for May 25, 2013. They were all calling to tell people about the new date set.  

April 5, 2013, the family received a call. They had called to let them know that Luis, Aj's twin, was in jail and that Aj had one believed it. It was impossible for that to happen. They had talked to Aj in the morning. Luis, well they really didn't have much contact with him. But Aj? 

No one believed it so why cry when it couldn't be real? Alejandra especially couldn't believe it so she shed no tears. It was when they had to go see the body that they finally believed it. Alejandra's mom didn't recognize Alejandra when she broke down crying, screaming, cursing. She cursed at God for taking her young uncle away. She screamed that it wasn't true. She cried that she couldn't believe it. She looked like a beast that couldn't be controlled. 

It was no news that Aj stole, robbed, and got in trouble. The whole family knew he had dropped out and was in trouble. They would try to talk him out of it, but nothing worked. 

That day he had got inside a house that wasn't his to rob it along with his twin. Unfortunately the owner was there, he grabbed his gun and shot Aj while he captured Luis and called the police. Aj died instantly. It was in the news all week after that.  

But that didn't stop Alejandra's heart to break. She was devastated, broken, she felt she was missing a part of her heart, of her soul. The next day or might I say the day after April 6, they decided to give him a funeral. Every family member and friend went. After hours, all friends and family that wasn't close to him left and only people that really knew him stayed. Alejandra and her mom were one of those persons.  

It crushed Alejandra's mom to see how her daughter said goodbye to her 20 year old uncle. 

"I'm going to make your wish come true Aj. If not alive...then in ashes. I'm going to take you with me on my limousine. I promise I'll take you on the limousine. And I'm going to make sure you're box is white. All white just for you. I promise." Alejandra said to his uncle as she grabbed her uncle's arm. 

Her mother broke down to sobs on hearing her daughter promise that to her dead uncle. 'What if she doesn't keep her promise?' Worried Alejandra's mom. But Alejandra loved her uncle that she knew she would keep her promise. 

But she had promised and she was determined to keep her promise. 

Days passed and Alejandra's mom was hopping that Alejandra had forgotten but she hadn't. There were times when her mom would think she had but then Alejandra would come tell her that she wanted a white cloth for her uncle's box. 

"Mom, I need a white cloth." She would told her mom on May 23, 2013. 

"For what?" Her mom asked. 

"My uncle wanted to go all white for my 15 party. And I'm going to make his wish true." Alejandra responded. 

Her mom was shocked, but she answered her any way. "I don't have any but if I can ill buy tomorrow." But inside her mom was begging her daughter not to take the ashes of her uncle with her. But she wasn't going to fight with her daughter before her party. 

It was May 25, 2013, the day of the 15 party. She kept her promise. She was able to take her uncle in the limousine with her, with his box all white. She had kept her promise. 

This story is not made up. I actually met the 15 year old girl in one of her dance practices. I had to change the names of her uncles but the rest is ALL true. I know this because the mom told me. Alejandra is the real name of the 15 year old girl and her party is May 25, 2013. The day I'm uploading this story.

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