☆》Time Zone《☆

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ã2015 12:39 pm

"You ready for this?" Tony asked, giving you a worried look. He was unsure of himself and his work. He could not say everything would be okay. For once in his life, he didn't know how things would work out.

"I've been ready for a while, Stark. Flip the switch." You replied, your signature smirk plastered on your features.

"I don't know why you want to do this so bad."

You sighed deeply and looked to the ceiling. "Tony, you built a machine with the capability of sending someone to a different time period. Yes. I'm volunteering. And you know damn well why."

He hesitated, his hand resting on the lever. The lever that would send you back. He knew he probably wouldn't ever see you again, never joke around with you, drink with you, laugh. He was sending a woman back to her time period, back where she belonged, before HYDRA kept her and her friends as fossils.

You were waiting for the day Tony's brilliant mind came up with a way to get you home. All you wanted to do was tackle Steve in one of your bear hugs, engulfing his dwarfish frame with yours, and tease Bucky, with the lady-killer smirk he always had written on his lips.

You were thankful when your friends came back. When you found out they were living 70 years later, just as you were. But time passes, mistakes are made. And not accompanying them on that last- fatal- mission was possibly the biggest mistake you've ever made.

"Do it, Stark. Now." You demanded, your eyes welling at the thought of your friend, and the one who got away.

"I'm going to miss you, (Y/N)." He said solemnly.

"I've been gone for a while." You replied. He took in a shaky breath, trying to hide his tears, only because he knew you were right. You weren't (Y/N) since they died. You were a shell without emotion.

"Goodbye." He whispered.

"Don't forget me."

And the lever flipped, sending you home.

ã 1936 10:49 am

"Jesus Christ." You muttered, shakily lifting yourself on a weak arm, your head throbbing as the world spun around you. You shut your eyes tightly then opened them, trying to adjust to the light. The blur cleared from your sight, and you almost screamed at what you saw.

It was an old alleyway, the exposed brick towering on each side of you. You were slumped into the corner, your forehead trickling a small line of blood from where you head made contact with the floor. How you ended up there, you could ask Stark. And slap him, while you're at it.

You stood slowly, letting your wobbling knees get used to the weight before stepping forward. You made it to the end of the street when a loud commotion began behind you. You turned, ready to put someone in their place, but stopped when you saw the scene unraveling in front of you.

The small, blonde boy from your past was getting pumbled in an alley.

"I can do this all day." He said, comfirming your suspicions. You ran between the buildings, grabbing the men by their collars and flinging them backwards, away from Steve. You turned to glare at them.

"Might wan' ta watch out there, woman." One of them said.

"Don't need ya gettin' that pretty face all messed up." The other one cooed.

"Get lost, before I shove my foot so far up your a-"

"Woah, woah." A familiar voice called. "What's happening here?"

Time Zone|Bucky Barnesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن