Chapter 6- Please Don't Be In Love With Someone Else

Start from the beginning

"You can choose where to sit," Karlie said.

"I don't mind."

"Well neither do I."

"We're so indecisive," Taylor shook her head.

"Right, I'm gonna make a decision," Karlie announced, and started making her way towards the back of the room, Taylor close behind.

"I'm impressed, Karlie," Taylor admitted, as the two took their opposite seats.

"Why?" Karlie gave her a confused smile.

"Making all these decisions for us, it's not like you at all."

"Well someone's got to, otherwise we wouldn't get anything done," the model joked, unable to keep a smile off her face. "Now come on, what do you want to eat?"

They both decided on full English breakfasts. Considering they hadn't eaten dinner the previous evening, they were starving.

"This is so good!" Karlie was rapidly making her way through her breakfast.

"You're acting like you haven't eaten in days!" Taylor laughed.

"I haven't had a proper breakfast like this in ages," she replied through mouthfuls of food. "Ooh, I forgot to ask," she added, once she'd swallowed her food, "Is it ok, once we get home, if I Instagram a couple of the photos from the trip?"

Ugh. Home. That sinking feeling was back in Taylor's stomach, making her feel slightly nauseous. "Yeah, sure, why not?"

"I just wanted to double check. You never know, it might be bad for your image or whatever," Karlie shrugged.

"Yeah Karlie, you're so bad for my image," Taylor said sarcastically.

"What can I say?" Karlie grinned. "I might be bad for you, but you can't resist me."

There it was, that flirty edge to their conversations, and Taylor was a sucker for it.

"I think you'll find you're pretty resistible," she teased, shaking her head at her friend.

"Oh please! You haven't been able to keep your hands off me!" Karlie cried, throwing her hands in the air, still grinning.

"Karlie!" Taylor hissed, fighting to stop herself from going bright red. "Keep your voice down!"

"What? I'm just kidding with you! No need to get all stressed out!" Karlie shook her head, and suddenly her attention was back on her meal. Karlie might have been joking, but it was suddenly very hot in the café. Internally, Taylor was trying to stay calm. If anyone had overheard them and leaked anything, the media would have a field day. Had she really been so obvious this whole time? Did Karlie know she liked her? Was she taking advantage of that? Taylor was too terrified to ask. She just let the awkward silence continue, and concentrated on finishing her breakfast.

"Do you want me to drive back?" Karlie asked, as they exited the café, and made their way back to the car.

"It's alright, I'll drive," Taylor opened the door and stepped in. She really didn't want to leave.

"You're not upset with me are you?"

"Upset? No, of course not." Was all Taylor could think to say, as Karlie was putting her seat belt on.

"Oh, good."

"I was just aware we were getting a bit loud, and people were staring." she lied. She didn't want Karlie to get the wrong idea, to feel like Taylor would be ashamed to be romantically linked to her. That was the complete opposite of the truth. She just couldn't deal with any more negative publicity right now, especially involving a relationship. The media were simply brutal in regards to her love life, and she didn't want Karlie getting caught up in it because of her. That wouldn't be fair on her at all.

The girls were absolutely worn out from all their travelling, so the conversation was pretty sparse. However, Taylor's thoughts would not shut up. She could not stop thinking about every little thing that had happened between her and Karlie for the past two days, and trying to analyse them. All the times Karlie had held her hand: at the forest park, on the beach, in the car. They'd shared a bed both nights for goodness sake. She knew she was going to call Abigail about this as soon as she got home, she'd help her make sense of it all. She stole a glance a Karlie, and saw her smiling widely at her phone screen.

"Whatcha looking at?" Taylor tried to use a light tone in her question, but secretly she was freaking out. Was she texting Toni? Damn it. One of Taylor's traits that she hated the most had reared its head: how easily jealous she got.

"All the photos we've taken from the trip, they're really great."

"Oh cool!" Taylor very much wanted to see the photos Karlie was looking at, but of course she had to be a responsible driver. Nevertheless, she was happy and pretty relieved that she was the reason for Karlie's smile, not Toni.

The plan was to drive to Los Angeles airport, and Karlie would catch a flight to New York from there, whilst Taylor would take a separate flight back to Nashville on her own private jet.

"Are you sure you don't want me to send out another private plane for you?" Taylor asked Karlie.

"I've told you I'm fine," Karlie laughed. "I don't mind public flights, I get more time to nap."

As fast as it was to get home on her private plane, Taylor wished she had the option to be able to just jump on a regular plane. She couldn't imagine the amount of fuss she'd kick up; there would definitely be no opportunity for her to nap. Karlie didn't realise how lucky she was sometimes.

As much as she didn't want to, Taylor drove into the airport at Los Angeles. She felt positively gloomy as her bodyguards unloaded their luggage from the boot of the car. She reluctantly climbed out, and walked round to meet Karlie.

"I guess this is it then," Karlie shrugged, giving her a small smile. Taylor said nothing; she just threw her arms around the taller girl, and pulled her into a tight hug. They stood like that for a few seconds, neither one of them wanting to let go and break the embrace. "Thank you so much for this," Taylor whispered into Karlie's ear.

"Thank you to you too, it's been incredible." Karlie kissed her cheek, and finally broke the hug. "I'll see you soon, I promise," she told Taylor, putting her hands on the singer's shoulders as a symbol of reassurance. She released her hands from Taylor as soon as she'd placed them there, and turned to retrieve her suitcase from one of the bodyguards. She turned to look at the singer one more time, giving her a smile and a small wave. The next moment she was walking off, pulling her case behind her. Taylor stood and watched her until she was out of sight. She put her hand to her cheek, and felt over the spot where Karlie's lips had been. She couldn't help but smile. This had truly been the perfect weekend.

Taylor lay back in her seat, her laptop resting on her knees. She was now on her flight home. As sad as she was to be going back to her lonely apartment, she had missed the comfort of her warm bed, and she couldn't wait to have a proper shower. Getting her phone out from her jean pocket, she logged on to Instagram. The first image to load up on the screen shocked her. It was a post from Karlie. It was the picture Taylor had taken of Karlie on the beach, drawing their names in the sand. Her heart melted as she read the caption: 'Karlie <3's Taylor.'She missed her so much. She went straight to her messages and scrolled down to Karlie's name. She typed out a message and sent it straight away without a second thought: 'I miss you already.' She leaned back in her seat. Maybe that hadn't been the best idea; she was going to come across really needy and pathetic, she thought. I've ruined this already.

Her phone buzzed in her hand. Her heart thumping loudly in her chest, Taylor unlocked her phone. 'I feel like I miss you more is a pretty weak response, but it's all I've got (and it's true). This weekend was so good.' Taylor sighed with happiness, no longer regretting sending her text. Karlie had sent the cutest response. She was sending her all the right signals; surely she felt the same way? Surely she felt like this was more than innocent friendship? Going back to her contacts, Taylor started writing a text to the one person she knew she could talk to, who'd tell her what to do. 'Abigail, I NEED to see you when I get back,' she sent.

"Oh Karlie, please don't still be in love with Toni. Please tell me you have feelings for me."

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