Chapter 10 A kind help

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*Vantricia POV*
I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock.I get out of my bed and then went to the bathroom and did my morning routines.I was brushing my teeth suddenly,someone came into the bathroom."Unni!!!I miss you!!"It was Soyun,my younger sister.They came back from the trip,I hug Soyun and ask her to wait downstairs while I am preparing for school.
I wore my uniform,and decided to let down my hair because I am too lazy to tie.And it is also the first time I went to school with my hair down.I am not like the other girls,they will usually put contacts and make up,I don't cause you know natural is beauty.After combing my hair,I went downstairs.
Then I saw omma,I quickly ran to her and hug her.After the hugging section,I quickly eat my breakfast because I was about to be late for school.After I finish eating  my breakfast I quickly say goodbye and gave a peck on omma and Soyun cheeks then run out of the house.I look at the time it was 7.30 and I need to reach school in about 10 mins.Which was impossible for me,as I need to wait for the bus and then walk a distance to the school.
  I look at the time for the nth time and the bus have not come so I decided to ran to school.
*Jungkook POV*
  (Sigh)My members did not wake me up again.And I was about to be late for school,I grab a banana and eat it while I turn on the car.I look at the time it was 7.25,I still have 15 mins which is possible for me to reach school at that time.While I was driving,I pass by the bus stop which Shinhye take bus to school.But she was not there.<Obviously she isn't,because she normally go to school early>But after I drive some distance I saw someone familiar,and wearing our school uniform from my school so I decided to drive her since I am a kind person.
I called the person and the person stop.I ask her if she want a ride to school,I was shocked that she accept the request.Then the girl walk towards my car,the girl got more and more familiar.Then I realize it was Vantricia.Wow she looks so beautiful in that uniform and her hair floating cause of the wind.
*Vantricia POV*
  I was running to school then I was so tired that I was running that change to jogging then walking.Now,it does not matter to me wether I was late for school.I have no energy to walk to school,when I was about to give up.I heard a familiar voice that called me.
  I just went with my instinct,it told me that the person does not harm me.So why not I have a ride on his car.Then when I walk closer to the car,I realize that he looked familiar then I saw it was Jungkook.I went to him and hug him and thank him for his kind help.If not I could have fainted on the way to school(I have low blood pressure,just to inform u guys)
I then went into the car and Jungkook started to drive the car.We talked about why we woke up late and then he laughed at my reason for coming out of house late.We talk till that we have arrive in school,lucky we was 10 mins early all thanks to Jungkook.I thank him for the last time then went away with Shin.Not to mention,Shin saw Jungkook blushed when I hug him.Which also made me blush at the statement.
*Namjoon POV*
We was talking at the canteen,when I saw Jungkook walking towards us with pinkish cheek.Lucky he was not late for school,if not he will be punished by our home room teacher.When he say down at our table,we started to tease Jungkook why was his cheek pink.He told us that Vantricia hug him as he drive her to school.Then his face got redder.
  When he said that Jimin and Taehyung face turned gloomy.I knew why the reason was cause of that I kept quiet.Then Yoongi,Shinhye and Vantricia came walking towards us.They ask us if we wanted to go to the classroom since lessons is going to start soon.We agreed than,we walk to the classroom.
*Jin POV*
  We was walking to the classroom,than Vantricia and Jimin keep talking and they was laughing so loudly.They look cute together,I really ship them.I will make it as Vanmin.But then Taehyung pulled Vantricia into her arm then Vanticia blushed at his action.I can see a love square here.
It was between Vantricia:Taehyung:Jungkook:Jimin.This is going to be very hard for Vantricia.I heaved a sigh then went to talk to J-Hope.When we reached our class room,Taehyung went to sit beside Vantricia,while Shinhye went to sit beside Yoongi.
  Jungkook and Jimin went to sit in front of Vantricia's table.All the girls in our class was shooting glares at Vantricia and Shinhye.I bet they are jealous that they get close with us.
*Taehyung POV*
  I went to sit beside Vantricia then Jungkook and Jimin came and interrupt our time alone.-Sigh-wish that I can have a time alone with her.Then I look at Vantricia she look uncomfortable which made me ask her why was she like that.Then she told me that the girls in our class was giving her death glares which look like they wanted to kill her.
  I then ask her not to be scared than she had a smile on her face.I shoot back the glares at the girls,they then act like they did nothing.What a fakers are they.I then ask Vantricia wether she wanted to go on a date with me,she then said ok because she had nothing on.I was smiling like crazy,that I can finally have time alone with her.
*Jungkook/Jimin POV*
  I heard that Taehyung had ask her out,which made me feel scared that Taehyung might confess his feelings to her.I was so jealous,which I need to think of a plan to stop them from having a "date".But I think that's too evil,so I decided to pretend that I have heard nothing.
  *Vantricia POV*
  OMG!!!Taehyung ask me out!!!I was so excited,because I think that I have feelings for Taehyung.But I also have feelings for Jimin and Jungkook too!!Argh my feelings are so complicate.I was that the so called "date" with Taehyung would not be ruin.
  *Yoongi POV*
  I was being cheesy towards Shin,then suddenly our homeroom teacher interrupt our making out section.Shin look at me then told me that we can cuddle at home tonight I was so happy that is cannot wait for school to end soon.But we also needed to tell our fans and the public that I am dating with her which make me scared that they would not accept us.
  After our lessons,it was lunch time.All our fangirls was surrounding us which make us difficult to breathe.But we smile at them even tho they was suffocating us.
Hi!!Sry for not updating for so long,almost for a month.But I will try to update as much as I can.Hope you enjoy this chapter,I think it is the longest out of all chapters.But here is ur chapter anyways!!Bye!!I will update soon!!Sry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.

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