Chapter 2: Weightless

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I didn't wake up like a normal person hearing an alarm clock. Instead I woke up to the most adorable little whimpers and puppy eyes I've ever seen, I cooed at Tiny. The pup loved attention and even though on some days I'm too tired to do anything I still gave him some love. He had the whole blanket covered him like an adorable eskimo. God, I think I just died from cuteness overload.

"Hey baby," I spoke petting him softly, "You hungry." Tiny yelped getting his tangled little body onto the ground and scampering away leaving me struggling to hold my laugh in. I climbed out my bed and stretched like a cat before I made my way into my barely there kitchen with paint chipping off the walls and the soft smell of bleach was always there since Tiny wasn't always house broken. I opened the bottom cabinet to get the nearly empty dog food bag and pulled over Tiny's dog dish and released the rest of the food. Tiny practically sprinted toward the bowl which was so adorable. I went into the barely there living room and turned on the box TV to Looney Tunes. Daffy Duck is my one and only duck, screw Donald!!  

   After I ate it was time for me to go to my other job, and don't look so surprised. I work at a small bakery called Sweet Tooth during the day and walk the streets during the night selling my body to sleazy men that just want a quick fuck. Oh isn't my life just great!! I snorted at Tiny as he flopped himself on the couch and went to get dressed in my room throwing on some ripped black skinny jeans, a baby blue long sleeved v-neck, and my glasses. I tried my best to fix my hair so that I could at least look presentable for the job I was proud of doing, plus I would hate Mrs. Gloria, my boss/grandma-like figure, to see me looking like shit. I kissed and cuddled Tiny as long as I could before grabbing my house keys and running down the apartment steps and out the door before anyone of my creepy neighbors and my landlord could come find me. Especially Rex, he's my personal stalker and obsessed with me and just being around him makes horrid chills run down my back. I made it to the bus stop just when it was starting to drive away, the bus driver shot me a disgusted/angry look and I did the same. Taking my seat on the bus I watched as the scenes went by. Cloudy grey skies that casted a depressed glow upon the earth, morning prostitutes covered in makeup and short tight clothes, abandoned buildings and burned down houses. Overall it was depressing and sad and even though we try to help each other, we sometimes make it worse...way worse. Like they did.

   I was walking home from school when it happened, it was pouring down raining and my thin hoodie was getting drenched and not helping me out by protecting me. I couldn't call my mom to pick me up since I knew she would've yelled at me and cussed me out until my tears clouded my vision. I didn't need or want that. So I continued walking through the forest content with the calming aura that surrounded it. Though that aura soon came to an end when I heard the loud honking of a black pick-up truck. My eyes widened in complete and utter terror. I knew that truck. I knew who owned it.

My tormentors.

My bullies.

I tried to make a run for it, their malicious laughter echoing in my ears as I slip in fall into the mud. I try to scramble away from them, but it was too late.

"No one can save you now, you disgusting faggot!!"

I screamed.

  The screech of the bus woke me up from the nightmare that left me lightly covered in sweat and my heart thundering in my ears. I gulped and gasped a few times before sprinting off the bus and into the safe haven of Sweet Tooth. Mrs. Gloria was there beside me quicker than lighting engulfing me in a warm bear hug. I quietly sobbed into her chest while she rubbed my back and tried to calm me down with sweet words. Mrs. Gloria is a beautiful woman inside and out in her late fifties with a caramel skin completion with slight wrinkles and the oddest eyes I've ever seen, a deep brown that could hypnotize you without a second thought. Her hair was midnight black with greying strands all around her face, framing it. After a few moments and a lot of curious stares she scolded me for worrying her to death (in a motherly way) and gave me one of her precious chocolate cookies that made you melt. I got a few envious glares from my co-workers but I ignored them, it wasn't my fault I was her favourite.

"Jamie dear, how have you been lately? We've barely talked and I'm worried about you," Mrs. Gloria said her hands on her hips and her eyebrows furrowed in concern, "And what happened this morning certainly didn't seem to lessen my concern." I opened my mouth to respond, but closed it decided to finally tell her the truth or just tell her another lie? Guilt settled in my stomach I hated lying to her, but it was for the best.

"I just had a nightmare and it's kind of got me spooked," I said smoothly, "Don't worry I'll be fine." That seemed to subdue her for now, she left to go into the kitchen (not before giving me a kiss on the cheek) to check on her lemon pies.

"Well well well I didn't know old ladies were your type? I just thought you went for men." A voice sneered behind me, I closed my eyes in annoyance.

'Really? Are you freaking kidding me? Just when I thought today was going to get better.'

"Hello Jansen," I answered sweetly before my face fell and I gave him a blank look, "Now fuck off." I twirled around and headed toward the register and guess who followed me. The small headed bigot named Jansen Patrick who is a homophobic idiot who loves messing with me and making my day a living hell. Not that my life already isn't, but can't I catch a break? I guess not.

"Aww c'mon little fag, didn't you miss me?" I couldn't decide whether to risk losing my job by punching the shit out of him or just test my patience for the fool. I decided to ignore him and continue working as if I didn't hear him mumbling hateful things under his breath. Soon Jansen was called off to do other things leaving me in quiet peace until, the little ring notified me that someone had just walked in. Placing a fake smile on my face I walked over to the register and when I saw who was there I nearly fainted.

  Santiago. The Asher Santiago. He's one of the hottest, sexiest, successful, men on the plant. And he's standing here right in front of me while glaring at Jansen!!

"Um h-how may I help you sir." I stuttered. His frosty gaze turning towards me.

"Yes," Oh dear Lord his voice, "I would like for you to get out of my way so I can beat the living shit out of that young man." I blinked before opening and closing my mouth glancing at Jansen who was pale in the face.

"I'm sorry sir but violence is not encouraged here," I spoke my voice steady and laced with steel. There was no way in hell I was letting Mrs. Gloria's business get ruined, not even if this guy practically owned half of the city. His fierce eyes hardened until they eyed me going all over my body. I fought down the urge to blush, but soon I turned myself I did every night.

"Fine if you won't let me beat the shit out of him, then I would like you to become my new personal assistant." I nearly choked on my own spit, my eyes widening to unbelievable widths.

"What?" Then everything felt weightless.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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