Chapter Two

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The bus arrives. And I've somehow managed to avoid telling Corlan what's really wrong. The 17 children at the bus stop all file into a line, us being ninth graders are allowed in the back seat, which we take full advantage of. We watch the clueless 7th graders fumble into the first few seats. With it being such a cold day, as soon as we're all seated, the lovely bus driver Ms. Robbie, turns on the heater. And my shivering body is slowly thawed by the warmth of the heater that rests below me.

My headphones are still in, and 'Another You' plays. Corlan tries to strike up a conversation. But I want no part of it right now, which thankfully she understands when she sees me pull out a book; The Metephorical Suicide: A Guide To Hyperawareness(This is an actual book. It's amazing. And it's a philosophy book). I held the black book with a purple triangle in my hands. It's simplicity, in its finest form. I very much applaud Morgue for writing this art. I decide that I should probably talk to my friend, as she probably missed me after not seeing me for two weeks.

I push pause on my music, removing my headphones. And putting my book back. "Did you get anything cool for Christmas?" I feel like this is a good topic. It'll get my mind off the nauseous feeling in my stomach, and the aches I feel all of the bruised parts of my body.

She smiles a bright cheerful smile, obviously pleased by my interest in socializing. "Indeed I did, I got a MacBook. Which is just what I wanted, because I needed a good thing to run my blog on, and write fanfics ya know? Also, something to catch up on Doctor Who on..." she giggles a bit, "How 'bout you?"

I smile a little bit, knowing that she got exactly what she wanted. I think about the one thing I got. With everything that's been going on over break, I haven't had a chance to fully process what I got. "Yeah, I got a VIP pass to Of Mice And Men's show on the 30th."

She gasps, knowing that they're my favourite band in the world. She's more into Panic! At The Disco, and Sorrows Edge. "That's wonderful!" We keep up a bit of small talk the entire ride, until we get to school. Once we begin to pull in, I groan internally. Realizing that this is going to be a particularly long day. Looking out the bus window, I see him...him...


"JUST GET DOWN YOU STUPID SLUT." Braden yelled at me while punching me in the stomach.

A few tears slip my eyes. While I look at the boy I once loved. His shaggy brown hair, in a massive mess and his emerald eyes peer at my with such anger.

"I'm not ready. I don't want to do this." I whisper. "I'll let you know when I'm ready to have sex for the first time. But right now, it's a no. We're only 14."

"Yeah? I'm ready now. And you're my bitch. You're in my home. We're going to fuck. Right now. Take off your clothes." I flinch, and step away, he grabs my wrists and rips off my shirt. Exposing the forming bruise on my stomach. "Are you going to cooperate now?"

I nod my head no. And try to get away. Only to be pushed into a wall, where I end up blacking out for a minute. When I wake up, I find that I'm stripped to nothing. And Braden is on top of me, raping me. As I didn't concent to this.

"Oh yes Oakley, isn't this just perfect? This is everything I've ever wanted in my first time." He says through pants and moans.

I try to struggle free from underneath him. Only to feel him hit me, and grab my wrists again, to make sure I can't leave. I let out a wale in pain. And try to scream for help. But he hits me again only to knock me out again.

*End of FlashBack*

We get off the warm bus, and the tears are forming. And I must get to the bathroom. To where I can cry. Once I step off the last step, coldness are fear builds up within me. I start to shiver, while I run to the bathroom. A good sized group of people try to follow me, yelling my name. Sometimes I hate being an aspiring artist in the music world. I brush past them, with Corlan right behind me.

Finally bursting into the bathroom I'm free to cry. I just let it all out, as nobody is in there. And I seem to of lost Corlan, which is good. But she'll be asking me about this later today.

When the bell rings signaling us to head to first period, I've finally pulled myself together. And start to walk out of the bathroom. Only to find myself looking straight into the eyes of a 6ft man, who happens to be Braden.

Oh shizzity. A cliff hanger.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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