Chapter of new book.

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Maggie's POV


This is the big moment. The one I have waited for since I was a little girl. I watched as Lucy laced up her shoes. I followed suit and laced up mine. I rubbed the tip of my point shoes in rosin. I stood still as Lucy pinned my number on to the front of my black leotard. I listened as they called number 246. I was next. I breathed in and out. I started doing warm ups to loosen up my tight muscles. When the girl came out Lucy gave me a little push. Number "247" the guy called. I made my way into the room and smiled. "Hello I'm Maggie styles." I said the girl judge nodded and replied. "Please put your hand on the bar and follow my voice." I did as she said. As she called out different stretches for me I followed suit. I let my body and mind work together to perform what I do every day... Dance. After stretching at the bar they had me do turns and perform a combination for them. After that they sent me out of the room. I walked out feeling weird. I don't think I sucked but I definitely was not the best they saw. While I waited for Lucy I took off my pointe shoes and put on my high waisted shorts. The good thing about reversible tights Is when your done dancing you can pull them up and wear flip-flops. Of course being the smart kid I am I decided to take advantage of that offer. As I waited my mind started looking back on the last year.

After the whole ordeal on the tour bus with harry I decided I needed to get help for myself. I asked him to send me to rehab. I spent about half a year there. When I got out I went home and spent time with my mum, Gemma, and Lucy. Mum got a boyfriend named Robin and now they are happily married. Harry was coming back from tour soon. I may be ten and a half now but the love and admiration I have for my big brother won't change.

Just then Lucy came out of the room snapping me out of my thoughts. "How did you do?" I asked her she gave me a thumbs up and walked to get changed in her so high waisted shorts and flip flops. Looks like I'm not the only smart one in the room. "When do we find out if we got in? I questioned. Lucy knows everything. "They will send us a letter in the mail." Was her simple reply. She didn't seem in the mood to talk I wonder if t has something to do with how she did in there. Maybe the lady scared her or maybe she slipped because she didn't put enough rosin on. But that's not possible because Lucy's effect in every way shape and form. In case your wondering I still read Lucy's journal she took it away from me when I went to rehab. She said she was revising it. When she came to visit me she gave me three journals. One was labeled boys, another was labeled family and friends, the third was labeled dance, the fourths tag said anxiety, and the last girl drama. Each one had a table of context in it for me to find the exact letter. Need at that exact moment. I read some of the anxiety up of curiosity. Basically it talked to me about some of the things that help her when she is having an attack and what happens when I have one.

Sometimes I wish I was Lucy. She has beautiful curly hair sometimes straight. It's a nice dark brown. She looks good in everything. She has the most a,aging smile and she knows everything.

When Lucy dropped me off at my house she came inside with me. My mum had made us dinner. Lucy decided to stay the night so we went upstairs to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I followed every step she did before bed so I could be as perfect as her. Then I asked her to help me stretch. Harry used to help me every night. But when he left for X factor Lucy took over. We climbed into my bed wishing each other good night before falling asleep without a care in the world.


This is the first chapter of little miss styles moving on maybe. Fr anyone who couldn't find it. I'm trying my best to find it but its not working.... Look for it in my books on my account thanks...

The following applies to this chapter please read.


IM BACK!!!!!!! In this chapter I wanted to show the side of Maggie and any ten year old girl that you haven't read too much about. This shows her admiration for others. Ten year olds always have that mom, friend or sister that they think is perfect in every way. That's what I was trying to have you to read.


I wanna know what you guys think she auditioned for. If someone gets it I will give them a shout out and read their story's.

15 comments and votes till next chapter

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