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0.1 - Moving On


"My life sucks."

I groaned, rolling over onto my side and my face was squished against the bed. But, I didn't care because my life sucked.

I didn't know what had become of me.
I didn't think that this whole band thing would have evolved into something bigger. But, that was how it was supposed to go.

Five years later, I'm still in the music business and I've come to the realization that I was never going to find true love. Not here. Not now.

Yeah, I know. Someone like me would never seem the type to be lovestruck on just one girl when I could have one each night.

But, that's the thing, I'm not just any band member who is just about the fame. The life of being in a band did have its perks but it also had its disadvantages.

But, with all this fame bringing my status, it was also bringing me down. Mentally and emotionally,

I've just been feeling terrible the last couple of days, moping around being depressed and I knew the guys were sick of it.

Life was all great until I hit this bump that I would never be able to get out of my head.

I've never had a problem with anything up until a couple days ago where I found a picture of Emily that fell out of my jacket.

I just stared at it and all the memories flooded back. I hadn't even remembered her all this time and this one stupid picture is messing my life up.

Ever since the tour with One Direction, we became famous. People would tun up to us from a block away asking for a picture or to sign a piece of paper and from that moment I knew that our lives wouldn't be the same it was.

Our privacy would be gone and whenever I would come near a girl I wanted to hang out with, the fans would assume we were dating. It was all bullshit.

I wouldn't be able to go out and find someone without people automatically believing rumours. I don't think any girl could handle the drama that was bound to happen to them if we ever dated.

Even if she was the most perfect, kind, amazing girl in the world...the fans would try and find a way to make her the opposite.

I'm not trying to bash on the fans because they were the ones that got us up here. Maybe if they find out all these things, they know more about the girl then I ever would.

Although it was a couple years since the tour, we still were pretty well-known. But, not like you would think. Songwriting was a bummer.

It was exhausting having to come up with new songs when you have nothing to share or memories to express in song.

That's the thing, we didn't know what else to do and our manager Christie thought it was a good idea for us to have a break and live in Chicago for a couple months to get the creative juices flowing back in our heads.

We had been working hard the last few years but we needed to work harder in order to release an amazing album that will satisfy the fans and keep us up in the music industry.

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