Closets Are For Clothes {4}

Start from the beginning

                The movie ended and I kissed my mom on her cheek. “I have to do my homework.” Mom smiled at me as I left and went up to my room. I shut the door and sat at my desk with my homework. I put on my music, allowing All Good Things [Come To An End] to play. “Flames to dust, lovers to friends, why do all good things come to an end?” I sang along softly.

                I looked up and smiled softly. I had pictures of Noah and I scattered around my room. There was a picture of us with our arms along around each other over the summer on my desk. I gently ran my fingers on it.

                If only Noah were gay. If only he knew how I felt about him. Would it scare him away? Would he feel the same?

                No. Of course he wouldn’t. Noah was straight. My cell phone buzzed and I answered it. “Hello?” I asked quietly, feeling sad all of a sudden. “What’s wrong Max?” Noah asked, his tone concerned. I bit my lip, wanting to scream how much I loved him.

                “Nothing,” I said at last. “Absolutely nothing.” “You’re lying to me,” he said in an accusing tone. I mentally sighed. He knew me far too well for this. “I have to go Noah. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I managed. He started shouting my name but I ignored it and hung up the phone.

                I crawled into bed, feeling extremely tired.

                                                                                ***Noah’s POV***

                “MAX!” I yelled. “Noah Hottie! What are you screaming about?” mom asked, coming into my room looking angry. I frowned and set the phone down.

                “Max is sad!” I frowned even deeper. Max was always in a good mood! What the hell was wrong with him? “Mom, can I take the car?” She gave me a “what the fuck” look. “NO!” “But mom! Something is wrong with Max!”

                She put her hands on her hips. “Max’s parents can handle it Noah. They’re very good parents to Max. He’ll be fine. Besides, you have homework to do young man.” I pouted. “Mommy pleaseeeeeee!” I begged.

                She glared. “Noah! Stop acting like a child!” She pointed a threatening finger at me. “You are going to do your homework. Understand me?” I nodded. She relaxed a little. “Noah, Max will be fine, alright? His parents can handle whatever is going on with him.” She left my room and a few minutes later, my older sister came in.

                “What’re you doing little bro?” I instantly perked up. “Can you take me to Max’s house? Please Sasha!” Aren’t my parents just so clever? Noah Hottie and Sasha Hottie. Sounds like Jafar is trying to tell Jasmine she’s such a hottie.

                She sat down on the edge of my bed. “Why?” I sighed and ran a hand through my black and blond hair. “Because something is wrong and I want to know what!” She rolled her eyes at me. “You are such a pain. Let’s go out your window.”

                She held up the keys to the car and I smirked. “You’re the best Sasha!” “I know,” she said smugly as I opened my window.

                My house was designed funny. There was a flat roof right under my window. I stepped on it and jumped down, landing on the bush below and quickly moving so that Sasha could jump.

                We got in the car and Sasha hurriedly drove away from the house. She drove me to Max’s house. “I’ll sit in the car. You go do whatever it is you do.” I smiled at her. “Thanks Sasha!”

                I jumped out of the car and walked around the house until I found Max’s window. I carefully made my way up the side of Max’s house. It took me about 10 minutes, but I finally made it to the open window and crawled through.

                Max was asleep in his bed, his iPod playing next to him. I glanced at his wrists, just to be safe. Max had never cut before and I wanted to make sure that he didn’t start. As soon as I was positive there were no marks on his wrists, I smirked.

                “JAMES BOND BITCH!”

                Max sat up in bed and screamed. His eyes were wide in terror and his fear turned to anger. “You fucktard! What are you doing in my room?!” “I’m being James Bond. Duh.” He face palmed himself.

                “Maxwell! Are you alright?!” his parents cried, coming into his room. They looked from me to Max in confusion. “Noah?” his dad asked. I smiled and waved. “Hi Mr. Quincy!”

                “No offense Noah but…what are you doing here?” Max sighed. “He came because he got scared. I fell asleep on him while we were talking on the phone and he thought I got hurt.” I felt bad all of a sudden. I knew Max hated lying to his parents. But he also hated to make them worry.

                “Well, I’ll leave now,” I said. “Goodbye Mr. and Mrs. Quincy. Bye Max!” I followed them downstairs where they watched me leave the house. I got in the car with Sasha. “Well?” she asked. I sighed. “I didn’t get the chance to really talk to him. But thanks Sasha.” She smiled. “Anytime Noah.”

                We drove back home and didn’t even bother to sneak in. Mom and dad knew we had snuck out by now. We walked through the front door.

                “YOU TWO ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!” mom shrieked as soon as we walked in. “I TOLD YOU NOT TO LEAVE! AND HOW DARE YOU DRIVE HIS ASS WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION!” Sasha and I glanced at each other before looking at mom. Dad was sitting behind her, his arms crossed and an angry look on his face.

                “Grounded! Noah you are grounded until I say so! Sasha, you’re not allowed to go out this weekend!” Sasha gave me a weak smile before walking off to go to her room. I walked up to my room and sat down on my bed.

                It was worth getting in trouble for Max.

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