"Potter will you please get inside!" I told him in a very calm phase. Hermione and Ron followed him as well.

"And Malfoy," I said as I pushed him. "You have got nothing to explain. So Is that what slytherin looks like? I'm no whore, I have no time for your stupid games. Have fun with Parkinson." I said and walked out.

"Bloody disgrace." I whispered and walked inside with him behind me.

Everyone was looking at us, maybe because I kill everyone with my deadly glares. Classes then began at the moment we got in place.

"Welcome everyone, second years. This is the Greenhouse 3. Today we're going to re-pot Mandrakes."


We had lunch in the great hall and we proceed to our next class which is  Defense Against the Dark Arts. We've got a new teacher they say. Gilderoy Lockhart, I don't fancy him like the other girls. It's weird. He's just making a fool out of himself. He must not ruin one of my favorite classes.

"Now be warned, it is my job to arm you against the most foulest creatures in this world." Blah, blah, blah and he pull out the cloth revealing the Cornish Pixies.

I snickered and said, "Cornish Pixies." I then let a small laugh out.

"Freshly caught Cornish Pixies."

He keeps on blabbing about them and let them out. Then that was the time when things got interesting. I then started slapping the other pixies, shooeing them actually. It's getting annoying. That guy named Neville Longbottom was caught by the pixies. I wish they could have done that to Malfoy. Actually Lily, you should stop thinking about that guy and those stupid things you can do to him.

People started running out even most of the Slytherin's did and I was about to run to but I saw our teacher casting a stupid spell that didn't work. I saw that the trio was still here and the neville kid. So I got back and helped them.

"What do we do now?" Ron asked.

"Immobulus." They all stopped, hanging there on the air. The two boys looked at me in shocked and Hermione just smiled.

After all the commotion that happened, we came with Harry since he got quidditch practice and I wanted to watch badly. We got there only to meet face to face with the Slytherin Team. I got face to face with Malfoy, the new bloody seeker of their team. I just rolled my eyes at that stupid thought.

Attention began to arose when stupid Malfoy called Mione a bloody mudblood, so much for the blood superiority and him being an ass. Ron casted an "eat slugs" spell to him and unfortunately it backfired due to his broken wand so they laughed at him. Disgrace as I say, Hermione and I helped him. Then I walked up to Malfoy (payback for my friends) and calmly said, "Hurt them, hurt me, be fair Malfoy... Everte statum." I casted as I wave my hand in air.

I blew on him and he was thrown backwards. His and Harry's team mates made 'ooh' sounds but I just glared and they all stopped. That's what you get for dealing with me.


Harry's quidditch practice ended ages ago so we decided to look for him. When we saw him, he suddenly said, "Did you hear it?" He's acting weird so sudden.

I wanted to laugh but I said, "What are you hearing exactly?"

"That voice!" Harry exclaimed.

A vision then came,
chamber of secrets.

"Lily? Are you alright? You seem to be having a fever because you're eyes changed."

"What do you mean? I am fine." Apparently, I haven't told them about my ability yet.

Suddenly Harry began running, following the voice he only heard.

"Harry! Wait! Not so fast!" Mione shouted, trying to keep up with Harry.

We followed harry running through out the corridors and we saw spiders acting weird, in lines. What the heck is wrong with this place? Hogwarts is full of weirdness, I swear.

"Strange! Never seen spiders act this way."

"You got that right, it's in fact really weird." I added.

"I never liked spiders!" Ron scared like a little girl.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of spiders?" I looked at him, smirking. His silence and terrified look have already answered my question.

"What's that?" he pointed at the the words on the floor, reflected on the wall.

We looked up to see,

The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir. Beware!


Mutual Love With A Gryffindor (Draco Malfoy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now