I like Pie

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Me:yes first dare!air fist pumps!o.m.g.!noah!
Noah:what do you want?
Me:you got our first dare yeahzys!
Noah:fine to do what?
Me:throw this pie in Emma's face!
Noah:gulp! no way am I doing that!
Me:just do it you signed a contract!
Noah:fine!but Emma's not here soooooooo....
Me:Emma!here now!
Emma:what's up?!
Noah:sorry.throws the pie into her face.
Emma:Nono-i mean Noah,why would you do this to me!?
Me:oh right!,it was a dare!also kitty I need you to tell Emma about some of the most awesome fan fictions ever!
P.s.spoliers are coming up so if you haven't read the fan fiction don't read this part!
Kitty:ok,so Emma rand x mology wrote some awesome nemma fan fictions!like "star bucks love"we're you and Noah take a day off and both decide to get a coffe and the same book when theirs only one!so you take the book and Noah chases after you when me and Owen set up a trap so when you come in you fall on the ground and Owen flips you over and Noah then comes in and trips,so then it makes you guys so close to kissing,and the best part was it went viral!then there's "shopping for love"when me, you, Owen, and Noah go to the mall and me and Owen try to set you to up,also it has some kitty x Owen in it but it's more into nemma!and last but not least,"frozen hearts" we're it's a snowy day and we all have a snow ball fight when we switch teams you see how you guys have some stuff in common and have a fun time.
Emma: jaw dropped at how much kitty knows about nemma!woah!
Noah:blushing madly wait,what?how much do you two really ship nemma?
Me: kitty you thinking what I'm thinking?!
Kitty: oh yeah!
Me and kitty:this is how much we ship nemma!me and kitty push them together so there kissing.
Owen: awwww!takes a pic.
Emma:uhhhhh....thanks for coming out every one bye!slams garage door!
Me:hey!dont copy grojband!well bye!hoped you liked this chap!please ask or dare any of us!bye!

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