Another Photoshoot

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I put on the red sweater and jeans with brown boots. I was excited about this photoshoot. I wasn't wearing a dress! This time Chris said about doing something more funny and adorable. Today we were out in the woods or at the cabin we stayed at. Chris had suggested it. They curled my hair and made it look nice. Chase would be doing this photoshoot with us so it would be different than last time. Chase was excited. I walked out of the bedroom inside the cabin that we were using as a little dressing room. I walked down stairs and had to smile. The picture Chris wanted was the three of us on the couch. We got into the couch and Chase was on the left while I was on the right. We both hugged Chris and smiled brightly for the camera. The flash went off a few times. We then did one where Chase and me were running from Chris. Then we did a few of just me and Chase being goofballs. They put a mixing bowl in front of us and we were pretending that we were baking. I had to flick flour in his face. They did a few of just Chris and Chase which was adorable. They had one where Chris was giving Chase a piggy back ride. They did another where Chase was sitting on his lap and Chris was hugging him. Then we did some of just me and Chris. My favorite was the one where he was hugging me. Very comfortable, I didn't want to move. One we did was Chris coming down the stairs and me sliding down the railing. Another we did was Chris's favorite, we were doing silly faces and dancing around the camera like goofballs soon Chase joined in with the goofball dance. They did some of just Chase, then some of just Chris, then some of just me. We did a few outside. My favorite when we were outside was the one where we were playing hide 'n' seek. Chris was the seeker and me and Chase we hiding behind trees.
We went back inside for changing our outfits. I changed into a denim skirt and a shirt with a birdcage on it and brown slip on shoes. They curled my hair again because it was kind of messy. I went back downstairs and we took some more pictures of just the three of us. We took other ones. We did more where it was just me and Chase. I was giving Chase a hug and kissing his cheek with him making a disgusted face. I fixed his hair a lot during this. Chris did a few with Chase where I had to laugh at the one they did, Chase was looking up with his arms crossed and Chris was looking down with his arms crossed. Chase is so small compared to Chris. I did some with Chris also. We did one where we were back to back with our arms crossed. Then one where he was giving me a piggy back ride. We did some where it was just one of us at a time. I did one where I was in the hallway with my back to the door and my arms crossed and I was looking at the floor. We did some more outside. We did some down at the pond. We went back to the house to some I really liked.
I changed into a white shirt and sweatpants. We were doing some where we were in the one bedroom. The master bedroom. In that bedroom there is a fireplace so this should be cool. Chase was in a dark blue shirt and black sweatpants while Chris was wearing red sweatpants and a black shirt. The three of is laid down in the bed and snuggled with each other. The fire illuminated our faces perfectly. Chase actually almost fell asleep. I may or may not have almost fell asleep on Chris's shoulder. We did some where it was just me and Chase or some of me and Chris or Chase and Chris. I fell asleep for about 20 minutes on Chris's stomach during the one time. They got some pictures of that too. One women there thought it was adorable. Chris responded by saying "yeah she's adorable" I guess he thought I was sleeping at that moment.
On the way home Chase and me started playing I Spy once again. I loved playing I Spy with Chase, it was always easy. Chase soon fell asleep then soon we were home. I ran inside and jumped onto my bed. I was still in those pjs I wore during the photoshoot. I didn't feel like changing. The door opened and Chris walked in.
"Hey pumpkin" he said smiling.
"Hi" I said burying myself deeper under the covers trying to get warm.
"GUESS WHOS BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW?!" Chris said excitedly making me cover my face with a pillow.
"Mine" I groaned.
"Yep!" He said popping the 'p', "you'll be 15! I can't believe it 15 years already. I wish you were 3 again."
"Oh whatever. I'm still adorable. You said so your self" I said smiling.
"You heard that?" He asked.
"I wasn't sleeping at the time" I said laughing.
"You little booger!" He said tickling my side making me squeak, "someone seems tired."
"Yeah" I said moving around so I'd be laying on his shoulder.
Chris's P.O.V
Megan had fallen asleep on my shoulder again. Earlier today it was really adorable when she fell asleep on me and we got pictures. They'd be printing out the pictures tomorrow and sending the to us and putting some in a magazine or whatever. Chase walked into the room and laid on the other side of me. These two kids are amazing. They changed my life. I love them so much.

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