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It was his usual environment. The lights were flashing at their ridiculous speeds, and the music was blaring much to loud. Beautifully sculpted bodies grinded against others, turning to dance floor into a mass of bodies. Edward was one of those bodies, a man holding their hips together, and another man thrusting against his backside.

The two men's hands travelled over his body diligently, not missing a single inch of flesh. That meant they didn't bother to touch his right arm or left leg, but that didn't bother the boy.

When Ed finally began to get tired he broke away without a word. He easily made his way out of the crowd and sat at the bar.

"Sir~ Can I have an Apple martini please~?" The blonde male purred out.

"Don't you need an ID for that, shorty?" A voice chuckled from his left.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING SO SHORT A FLEA COULD CRUSH HIM?!" Ed exclaimed as he turned towards that arrogant voice.

The man was handsome. Maybe perfect fit better. He had a silk button down shirt, the color of the night sky. His eyes were dark, seeming to stare into the depths of Ed's soul, and the corner of his lips curved up in a conceited smirk.

"I never said anything of the sort."

Ed could feel his blood boiling, and he was already to strangle this man. Then again, fiery sex was always an option.

"Heidrich! I would appreciate it if you paid attention during attendance. You'll be marked absent next time."

Ed blinked at the shout. That was right, he was Edward Heidrich now, not Elric. He stated at the teacher who had yelled at him, trying hard to hold back his glare. The man that he saw now couldn't be the same man he had met at the club that night. There was absolutely no way it was possible.

Ed ignored the snickering he could hear around him. He was a new student after all, so it was natural people would find amusement in his problems.

"Next... Hoenheim, Alphonse."

Ed's head snapped up as soon as he heard the name. So that man had even taken Al's last name from him? That bastard.

Ed took a few deep breaths, brushing the black hair out of his face. He didn't want to be recognized so he had dyed his hair, worn blue color contacts, and wore clothes that covered his automail. That also meant no outbursts and no freaking out over anything. Drawing attention to himself wouldn't help a thing.

Soon homeroom ended, with Ed trying very hard not to look up at Alphonse. The shrill bell rang and the students rushed out of the classroom, some of them knocking Ed's stuff off his desk on purpose. The male waited until everyone passed by before bending down to pick up his things.

"What are you looking at?" He asked as he stood and turned.

The teacher had been staring at him with horribly piercing eyes. Ed felt as if they could drill holes straight through him if the teacher tried hard enough.

"That's sir, or Mustang to you... Shorty. I was just thinking that you aren't the person I'd peg for being calm when someone does that."

Ed bit his lip to hold back the string of insults that threatened to leave his mouth and quickly stalked out of the classroom. That was definitely the same man, and there was a chance that his cover was already blown.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2015 ⏰

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