No Self Pity

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We've been in school for 2 month's now im the smartest witch at Hogwarts' im on top of every single one of my classes. But today me and the qudditch team are playing against Gryffindor because Slytherin can't play because Draco is still 'hurt'. Oh well that mean's me and my team can try a chance to win the trophy this year we won it last year. 

We were all about to go outside when me and the other team mates said ''rep-lento'' it's a spell that repell's water so now none of us will get wet same with out broom's we put on out goggles and walked outside. 

We stood in the middle of the pitch I shook Oliver Wood's hand well he tried to crush my finger's but yeah. We then mounted our broom's. 

The score was Gryffindor 190 Ravenclaw 220. Me and Harry were neck and neck flying straight up the air was getting colder ice started to form on us and our broom's. I grabbed the snitch right when a dementor came out of the cloud's Harry was smart and turned sideway's but the dementor wasn't even an inch a way from me. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Harry get attacked by a dementor then I felt myself falling off my broom but the dementor was still sucking the life out of me. I was getting the dementor kiss I felt my soul being sucked out of my body. That's when I heard scream's of horror. The wind wasn't slowing down around me but I saw Harry hit the ground not so hard. 

I heard what sounded like McGonagall shouting in horror probably because of how close the dementor was to me. 

I gripped onto my happiest memory it was so tire-ding I lifted my had up with the wand in it and whispered ''expecto patronum'' a silver light shot out of my wand and a wolf ran at the dementor. 

I heard many gasp's I couldn't breath anymore everything went black. 

Hermione POV

Everyone stood up as Harry fell down from the sky Dumbledore scared away the dementor and made Harry land a little lighter. Then McGonagal let out a high shriek of horror she was pointing toward's the sky I looked and saw my twin sister falling but what was worse was a dementor was only a centimeter away from her you could literally see all of her soul being drained from her.

Then a silver light shot out of Britt's wand and Wolf formed out of the silver mist it chased away the dementor but before anyone could slow down her fall she hit the ground. Everyone was rushing off the stand's. 

I stood by my sister's body tear's rolling down my cheek's. She was basically grey not a single sing of life anywhere. Her neck looked twisted her arm bone was sticking out of her left arm. Her rib bone was ripped through her sweater. Her leg was bent it way's i thought were impossible. She was rushed to Madam Pomphrey so was Harry. 

It's been two week's since the incident Harry was fine but Britt was sent to Saint Mungo's. Everyone was suffering horribly even some Slytherin's seemed in the dump. Britt's homework pile stacked up and her Caption place and seeker place were replaced.

She's gonna be so upset about everything. The last time everyone saw her before she was sent to saint mungo's she was beyond pale in a bunch of braces had bruises and cut's on her body her cheek's were sunken in and she looked hollow U could see her bone's through her pale skin. 

Britt's POV

I woke up in a white room everything was bright. After I woke up Dumbledore came and explained everything that had happened and dropped off my home-word he also told me i'm not on the team and my grades have gone down. 

When he left i broke down crying I worked so hard for all of that and it just got ripped out from under my feet. 

I was going to be a Prefect but now I can't how am I going to become a Aura, Healer, Guard or Unspeakable? I Took a shaky breath and ate all the food the healer's gave me. 


I was out for a month and 2 week's and I have been at Saint Mongus for a week now just recovering. I caught up on all of my homework I even made Dumbledore get me the extra credit stuff. Know - one survives the Dementor kiss but i did which is extraordinary. 

I am now doing physical therapy so I can walk right. When I stepped out of bed my leg's started to tingle. ''my leg's tingle'' I said. 

Hope my Healer said ''ah yes there going to it's a different flow of blood do you ant to sit down'' she asked I smiled at her and shook my head ''nah this is way better then laying around doing nothing''.

We walked around the room I was staying out I was till really thin thinner then I should be I only weigh 89 pound's when im supposed to weigh 115. 

After our little ex-cerise of walking around my room a trainer came in and started helping me do wand-less magic. After an our of practicing of doing wand-less magic which im pretty good at I sat crisscrossed in bed and read over defensive spell's.

After reading the whole thing I ate dinner then practiced 20 of the spell's/curses/jinx's. 

I then took a shower. 


It's been two week's since i have woken up and today im going back to Hogwarts'. I was caught up on everything ahead of everything and now the right back to the smartest t witch at Hogwarts. And I have the highest grades out of everyone. 

I'm still in line for being a prefect in two year's. I am now the caption of the Quidttich team I wont be playing anymore games just coaching them and making strategy's. 

I have written to my mom and dad telling them I was okay not that they asked or anything. I was now back to my old self. 


Dumbledore was going to welcome me back I looked a lot different. I was a lot more buffier my hair was long wavier richer and glossier. My eye's shined brighter then before My teeth were perfectly White I was perfectly tanned I must say I looked beautiful. My voice was even more beautiful.

I was wearing the uniform with my dip-died hair up in a high pony tail. I had mascara and lip gloss on. When I heard Dumbledore say my name I walked in everyone turned there attention's to me. Everyone looked gob-smacked. Luna was the first to react she ran up to me and hugged me which caused allot more student's to come up and hug me.

When everyone finally let me breath Cedric was standing there I smiled at him and he smiled back ''may i'' he asked I nodded I wrapped my hand's around his neck dn he wrapped his hand's around my waist. 

When we pulled apart allot of people wolf whistled I just rolled my eye's and smiled kissing Cedric's cheek I sat down at the Ravenclaw table catching up on every-hing and everyone. 

One thing I was defiantly sure of I was glad to be back and I must talk to Hermione soon. 

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