Part 1

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Three years later

School (in the beginning) was cool, but I loved my breaks, because then I could go to the office with Dad.

"Do you know who's gonna be at the office Dad?" I said as we drove to the office.

"You'll have to see when we get there," Dad said with a smile. I crossed my arms and tried to pout, but when Dad saw me like that he couldn't help but let a small laugh escape. I tried to ignore it, but my rage faded quickly when we arrived. I wiggled in my seat until Dad let me out and I ran towards the office. Dad had to chase me in basically, but I don't think he minded too much because he scooped me up and put me on his shoulders.

I guess people just liked me on their shoulders.

I smiled as we came in, and Dad put me down so I could run around. Uncle Barry laughed as I ran up to him and jumped into his lap as Dad went and sat down in his space.

"Hey how's our little Ross doing?" Uncle Barry said with laugh as I tried to get him to spin in his chair.

"I'm fine! Who's here?" I said quickly.

"I think Audrey and the twins are here," Barry said as Suzy walked in.

"Hey Matthew! Do you want to play some games with the kids?" Suzy said as I ran into her arms. I nodded quickly and she led me in to the game room where Audrey, Jack Jack, and Gracie were sitting. I ran over and sat down with them as Arin came in behind Suzy.

"Where's Joy?" Gracie said as Arin sat down next to her.

"She's coming with Mom later, they had some shopping to do," I said. Gracie nodded as Jack Jack pushed her slightly when the game began. Jack Jack, Gracie, and I laughed as Audrey stayed quiet and concentrated on the game we were playing.

Audrey won by a landslide.

She sighed and looked at us before getting up and leaving without another word, she did have a smile on her face though.

She came back some time later with an apple and sat down again, putting a random game in.

"We have to record," Audrey huffed, which made Arin laugh softly.

"Yeah we do, and Audrey if you want to wait, then Joy can take your place," Danny said walking in.

"N-no, I'm fine," Audrey said defensively.

Danny sat down and put Jack Jack in his lap, "alright then, but you have to participate."

"I will!" Audrey said suddenly.

Danny looked at Arin as they both tried to restrain a laugh, and I couldn't help but giggle at their faces.

I felt Audrey shove me, but the problem was I wasn't expecting it so I fell off the couch with a thud. I heard Danny scold Audrey but I stood up and glared at her before I jumped on top of her. It wasn't really a fight, more of us pushing each other into the couch, but regardless Arin calmly picked me up and got in between us.

"You don't have to be in here you know," Arin said sternly.

"There's some really expensive equipment in here kids, you can't rough house in here," Danny said softly. When he saw me pouting he took me out by the hand and let me cool down. When I was calm again Danny laughed softly, "you are Ross's son."

"Is Matthew behaving?" I heard Mom say. I looked up to see her standing with Joy holding hands with her. Joy's platinum blonde hair was in a braid and a hair clip with a bird on it. Her dress was a basic red with an embroidered flower on it that only went to her knees. She nearly tripped on her white sandals as she ran to me and into my arms.

"Hey Diana," I said mockingly.

Joy took a step out of my hug and glared at me, "don't call me that!"

"Okay, then I'll call you Jelly Doughnut, because your name starts with a J and a D, just like a Jelly Doughnut" I said and poked her in the stomach.

"What? No!" Joy yelled and did her best to hit me, but it wasn't more then a soft tap. I giggled and led her into the game room where Arin and Danny were. Gracie yelped and went over to Joy, her fudge brown hair looking darker then it was against Joy's blonde hair. Audrey moved some of her dirty blonde hair out of the way as she watched with a small smile. Jack Jack waited patiently as Gracie came back over and sat down next to him as Joy sat next to me.

"Alright, you guys ready now?" Danny said as he came back in.


After we finished playing games I went over to Uncle Mark's room. He had been quiet all day, so I decided to pay him a visit. I knocked on the door quietly and waited until Mark opened the door.

"Hey buddy, do you need something?" Mark said sweetly.

"I just wanted to say hi!" I said and jumped onto Mark's arm. Mark smiled and lifted me up with little to no effort.

"I weigh 50 pounds!" I said as he carried me into his room.

"You weigh 500 pounds?" Mark said with wonder.

"No! 50 pounds!" I said.

"5000?" Mark said louder.

"Noooo!" I said with a laugh. Mark sat down and I jumped up onto the back of his chair and hooked around his neck as he laughed.

"Say hi to the camera Matthew," Mark said and pointed to his camera.

"Hi camera! Are you playing games?" I said and hopped down to stand next to him.

"Yeah I am, wanna play?" Mark said.

I nodded and got into his lap. He told me the controls really quickly, and soon I was walking around for him. He ruffled my light brown hair as I navigated his game. Normally I wasn't allowed in Mark's room when he played his games because they might be scary, but I guess the game was safe enough for me. After a minute or two I saw Dad poke his head in.

"Oh there you are Matthew, were you bothering Mark?" Dad said.

"No he was fine, he's helping me beat this game," Mark said and smiled.

"Oh he is now?" Dad said and came in. When he was next to me I started moving around again.

"Look Daddy! I'm just as good as you!" I said. Mark burst out laughing, as did Dad, and I smiled at my unintended joke.

"Alright buddy, let's leave Mark alone so he can finish up, okay?" Dad said.

"Oh, okay, but when's he done can we play?" I said as I got up.

"We'll see," Dad said.

"We can play after I'm done buddy," Mark said as Dad and I left the room. I smiled, even though he couldn't see me.

"Why don't you go play with Audrey?" Dad said.

"I don't wanna, she's no fun," I pouted.

"Well besides, Audrey has to go," Brian said as he walked in. Audrey came in and smiled at Brian. They stayed a few minutes before finally leaving, and even though we didn't get along too well, I missed her company when the twins and Joy took their afternoon naps.

I walked around lazily before going over to Dad and Arin. Dad looked at me as I tugged his shirt slightly.

"Dad, can we play?" I said softly.

"Sorry buddy, Arin and I have work to do, okay?" Dad said as he messed with my hair. I sighed and walked off, trying to find Danny.

I opened the door to the game room to see Danny asleep with the twins and Joy on the couch. The twins were completely on top of Danny, and Joy was asleep on the other end of the couch.

I guess I can't play with Danny then, I thought and closed the door. I looked around to see everyone was busy with work, and I quietly went over to a random chair and sat down.

I felt a hand grab my shoulder and looked up to see Mark above me.

"Hey buddy, I'm done with my work, did you still wanna play?" Mark said. I smiled and stood up before falling down and grabbing his leg. I heard Mark laugh as he slowly but surely led me away to a place where we could play in peace

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