"But," I whispered back to Luna. "Wouldn't everyone here notice we were gone and freak out?" I asked. Luna ran a hoof through the top of her mane, trying to figure out what to do. Then, her attention turned back to me, and I saw panic in her blue orbs.

"Oh, Twilight, your right. But we need to look! This celebration will not be complete without my sister! What ever shall we do?" Luna asked me, panic filling her voice. When Luna said "what ever shall we do", I thought of Rarity again. I shook it off, trying to forget about my old friend. I then thought for a moment.

"Maybe we can just tell then we'll be right back in a minute. Do you think that'll work?" I asked my fellow Princess. Luna then shrugged, her soft velvet dress got wrinkled due to her shoulders rising and falling. Luna looked to the party guests. Most of them had finished their breakfast and were talking to one another at this point. Thankfully, none of them has seen that Celeatia has gone. Then, I got an even better idea.

"Hey Luna," I whispered. Her head quickly turned to face me. "These ponies don't look like they are even paying any attention. We could slip out of here without them noticing!" Luna's eyes lit up as soon as I finished. She nodded, agreeing with my simple plan.

"Okay, Twilight Sparkle." Luna told me, slowly getting up from her seat. "That seems like the best plan."

We both nodded to each other. Me and her quietly slunk down from our seats. Luna's dress brushed against mine as we crawled underneath the table, which was covered with a white sheet. After a few seconds Luna walked ahead of me, just a little bit. Luna attempted not to hit the top of the table with her wings or head. She was a bigger pony then me. Since we were on couches, none of the party guests could feel us underneath the table with their hooves. I was relieved. If anyone knew we were under here, then my plan could get ruined. Thankfully, I heard no one question anything from up above. Luna and I were as silent as a mouse, barely talking or making a sound at all, which reminded me of some pony that I used to know.....


I was walking along a dirt path along with my assistant, Spike the dragon. We had just gotten back from supervising the decor for the summer sun celebration, where Spike had met a pony that he fell head over heels for.

"Wasn't she wonderful?" Spike asked me. I could of sworn I saw blush on his face.

"Focus, Casanova. What's next on the list?" I asked him. Spike then opened his eyes wide and pulled out a list. He sat firmly on my back again.

Spike cleared his throat." Oh, uh, music! It's the last one!"

I suddenly heard a sweet melody coming from a few feet ahead. It was birds. I looked closer and saw that a cream Pegasus with a rose pink mane was conducting them. However, one of the birds this beautiful Pegasus was conducting was out of key. I thought that this must be the pony in charge of music. I decided to walk up to where she was.

"Oh my. Um, stop please, everyone, umm. Excuse me, sir? I mean, no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny-tiny bit off. Now, follow me, please. A-one, a-two, a-one two three-" I heard the Pegasus say to the off-key bird as I reached to where she was hovering. I then decided to greet her.

"Hello!" I greeted, loudly. Suddenly, the Pegasus gave a high pitched yelp and flew down to stand on the ground. All of her birds quickly flew away at the sound of my voice. Her surprised look turned into a worried expression as she looked at me.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten your birds." I apologized. "I'm just here to check up on the music and it's sounding beautiful." I paused. "I'm Twilight Sparkle." I stopped again. "What's your name?"

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