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The agonizing sound of the alam gave my ears an awakening but certainly not my body.

I extended out my arm,numerously going back and forth like a cat with yarn,trying to find the alarm.

I pressed what was,hopefully,the snooze button.But really I didn't care if I pressed the wrong button as long as I got my damn sleep.I grabbed a pillow,topping it on the side of my head I wasn't sleeping on.

Pillows are friends because they help you block out the sounds of our annoying world.So whoever invented pillows,god bless you soul.Now,back to sleeping...

I stretched out my arms while positioning myself in criss-cross applesauce,going back to Kindergarten.

See what getting a little bit of sleep does to your morning.

I took off the blanket,immediately regretting my decision.The impact of the cold air touching my legs gave goosebumps to my whole body.If there was one thing to know about me was I most definitely hated the cold.We were like sworn enemies,like fire and water.

I remember being a kid that I never really enjoyed fall or winter,but Christmas was one to enjoy.

I turned my head to my nightstand where the alarm clock stayed.It read 7:56.


"Shit,I'm late." I jumped out of bed going,trying my best to ignore the creeping coldness spreading through my legs.I picked out the sky blue-colored scrubs I wore everyday to work.

Yep,I worked at a hospital.To be specific,I'm a nurse at that hellhole.People complaining,and patients puking was what I got to see everyday.Though,I enjoyed coming  through those doors to start work because it was like there was a different problem everyday.

And I didn't sit in a cubicle at some boring department like on t.v.I was always on the move,I think I might have been on every floor through my first few days here.Maybe exaggerating a little,but not for people who've been working at the hospital for years.

I tied my hair in a high ponytail,not even bothering to put makeup,it's not like I'm trying to impress anyone there.Since every time I've put makeup on,I look like I should be part of the clown act at circuses.

I hurried out of my apartment,scavenging through my bag for my keys so I could lock the door.

Now,I was running through the hallway to the elevator door that was close to closing.

"Hold the door,please!" I yelled out to whoever was in the elevator.

I saw a hand hold the door at the last minute causing the door to automatically open.

"Oh,hey Dan." I said breathlessly walking the rest of the distance.

"Hey Lily." He spoke awkwardly.

Dan was my neighbor.He was that kind of person that was quiet and nice no matter what.I've never seen him angry at all,but I wouldn't want to because they say the quiet ones are the worst.

Although,I thought he was cute.He had a hint of an Australian accent in his voice,which I thought was incredibly hot.He had light brown locks with some blonde,I didn't even know that would look so good.And the thing that made me most attracted to him was he wore glasses.And ladies,we know not much men could pull that off.

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