1. The Morning

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Sara POV

I hear that familiar annoying sound, you can say that me and my alarm aren't on good terms. I'm probably not the only one. It's just another reminder that I can't stay in bed and believe me when I say i'm not a morning person at all. I go out my bed and walk to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. It's gonna be a long day, but hey tomorrow it's Saturday. When i'm done with my shower I brush my teeth and do my blonde hair in a high pony tail. I take a pair of jeans and grab a t-shirt and put them on.

I go to my living room and see that my dog Jackie is still asleep. I had her since I came to America. She's literally the cutest thing and my best friend beside Zoey. I met Zoey Rodriguez when I came to America.


I walk into the a and see the heavy dance crowd. Mainly drunk people. I walk to the bartender and ask a beer. She looks at me and asked me ' Are you sure your in the right place, hon '
' Yes ' I say.
' You new here aren't you. '
' Yes '
' Explains why you are alone' she just wants to give me my beer, when some else takes it. I look up to the man who took my beer and see a gorgeous man. Tall, dark haired with blue eyes. I can't stop looking at him until I hear him clears his throat.
'Are you done staring? ' he says.
' Hey, give me my beer back ' I say almost forgotten about.
' Little girls aren't suppose to drink, honey '.
'I'm 21, asshole' I say getting irritated.
Mister asshole wants say something but the bartender cuts him off.
' Jacob give her the beer back and stop being stupid'.
' Whatever Zoey, here your drink little ' he says and walks away.
' I'm not little you donkey ' I yelled after him.
I turn to the bartender, Zoey ' Thank you ' I say.
'It's nothing, I know he can be a pain in the ass ' she said.
' So, your name is Zoey? '
' Yes, and whats yours little?'
' I'm not little and it's Sara'

End Flashback

So that how we met and we've been friend since that evening. And for Jacob aka mister asshole, I didn't meet him after that anymore. I look at my watch and see that it's time to go to work. I walk out of the building that i'm living in and try to catch a taxi, when I get one I to bring to the center. I work at a bakery, it's fun but I rather do something I really want to do and that it is acting. It's been a dream for me since I was young. The taxi stops and I see i'm in the center of New York City. I pay the driver and walk to the bakery.

So this is the first chapter of my story ' A Dream ', tell me what you liked and what you don't. Please like and leave a comment.

Lots of love

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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