Mark of Cain

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After explaining to Jenna that the mark was just a birthmark and showing her my mark just under my left breast we continued on our journey.

About half an hour later we arrived at Jenna's mom's house.

"Mom." Jenna called engulfing the small women in a hug.

Dean helped me out of the car with the baby. Warmth spread throughout Dean as he gripped my hand. I grabbed his shoulder for support as I steadied myself.

"Thank you." I said rocking the baby softly.

"She's very quiet." Dean noted.

"Yeah. She's a very good baby."

"Mom this is Aurora and Dean. The little sleeping angel is Amara. Amara is Mark's baby." Jenna explained.

"Hi ma'am." I smiled shaking her hand.

"Well hello my dear. How do you know Jenna?" She asked.

"I was a friend of Mark's actually. He asked Jenna and I to take care of little Amara here." I explained.

"Ah I see. And who is this handsome fellow back here?" She asked eyeing Dean.

"I'm the boyfriend." He answered wrapping an arm around my waist.

I gripped Dean's arm for support as a wave of nausea hit me.

"You okay babe." Dean asked concerned.

"Yeah just a little nauseous." I said waving it off.

"Come inside dear. We'll cook you guys up since food." She said sweetly.

She ushered us inside. I handed the baby off to a bewildered looking Dean. I quickly found the the bathroom and emptied my stomach. I rested my head against the wall.

"You okay?" Dean asked behind me.

"Yeah pregnancy just sucks." I whispered flushing the toilet.

"Your pregnant?" Jenna's mother asked appearing at the door.

"Yes. Almost three months." I told her.

Dean helped me to my feet. Dean wrapped an arm around my waist as I leaned into him.

"Oh how amazing. You guys will be good parents." She smiled.

"I know that even though the baby isn't his he will love it as if it was. The baby might as well be his." I smiled kissing his cheek.

"Oh how cute. Well that mean is surely missing out." Jenna's mom gushed holding a hand over her heart.

"Yes but I'm glad he is because now I have her. And I assure you in never letting her go." Dean whispered hugging me close.

He kissed the top of my head lovingly.

"Well come on you two let's go get some food in those bellies." She laughed.

Dean led me to the dining room. Dean took the seat to my right giving my knee a squeeze.

"So how did you meet?" Jenna's mom asked.

"I was working at a diner at the time. Dean and his brother walked in. Dean order a bacon cheese burger with chili fries and a slice of their famous apple pie. Sam got salad. Dean hit on me from the moment I walked to his table. I knew I liked him from that moment but I had just been abandoned by the man who made the child in my belly so he'd have to earn my trust. Dean would come in all the time trying to win me over. Finally after about a week I finally went on a date with him. He took me to a beach late at night. There were rose petals and candles surrounding a blanket. We laid on the beach eating under the stars. And I've been with him ever since." I explained my eyes never leaving Dean's.

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