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Maxwells pov

I worked with a guy I think, I'm not sure, I'm pretty sure his a boy, anyway me and 'Harvey' worked on our stem project, actually he is kind of cute, for a dude, " Maxwell are you watching?" He yell, I look up to see a pare of blue and green eyes, he had a lipring and light blue hair, " mostly" I lie, " ugh, never mind" he huffs and continues to work on our project, a few hours later the bell ding, and we go to the next class, math, we sit down and Harvey looks tired as fuck, he lays his head down on the table and starts to fall asleep, "now class does anyone now what 1765 x 477299988( 123785) is? " mr dunwoll spoke, every body looked around at others, I just couldn't keep my eyes off of Harvey, his lets out a small sigh as he drifts off to sleep, I, being the kind man I am, take off my jacket and rap it around Harvey, I felt a poke in my shoulder blade, " ow what?!?" I whisper yell, as I turn around to see a bright blond chick and a shunk head chick looking back at me, " he likes to get back rubs on his back when he sleeps, try that," she spoke sweetly, " um why?" I asked confused about why they know that, the skunk hair girl threw her pen at me and whisper- yells " do it!" Good thing that were in the back of the class. I gently place my left Hand on his small back and rub small circles on his back, he hums in responds, I smile softly, he was amazingly cute, I hear small ' awes ' behind me, " let Harvey sit on your lap," said halie, ( she told their names to him) my face heats up and I shook my head " no way in hell " Natalie for some reason thinks this a good idea to throw pencils and pens at me, " just fucking do it, this is the frist time he actually fell asleep with out getting hit," I groan and pick him up and place him on my lap, another hum erupted from the small 'boy' I'm still a little iffy about that, I'm woundering why he was wearing a skirt, I smile once more as his head lays on my shoulder, his small hand placed on my chest , " you two would look cute together" Natalie said watching me and Harvey, his lets out a small snore, and a cuddles into my chest, " awe he cute," Halie smile at the smaller boy. I blushed and look at the girls and just smile, I start to get sleepy and I rap my arms around Harvey, gently rocking him, " hmm" he hums snoofring his head in my neck," awww" whispers Halie, " shut up jackass " Natalie said holding her halie mouth shut. Harvey slow woke up, he looked up at me and blushed, his eyes where wide, he bites his lip-ring and said, " s-s-sorry" and get off of me, I blush and spoke " it all good," and look at my lap, out of the coroner of my eye, I see him sneaking looks at me, and blushing, " soo~" he spoke, damn it his voice is the sweetest, I did the unthinkable, I kiss him.

Aw!! Cliffhangers!! Sooo ya!! Buh bye!!

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