"Yeah. I told Roger I wouldn't be responsible for all his crap and to take it and put it in the van. I was not going to carry stuff around in my handbag all night for him. So, I have a blanket, two packs of cigarettes and cash. That's it." I explained, thanking the waitress.

"You got lucky! John gave me a whole lecture of bring this, bring that, don't forget this! God!" she said. Neither of us saw Chrissie come clambering into the restaurant and toward out table.

"Hello girls. Sorry I'm late. Oh my is that a cocktail!? Shit..." Chrissie plopped across the table from Veronica and picked up the lemon martini with a shaky hand. She gulped that thing like it was fruit punch. Veronica and I had a case of the stares because not only was Chrissie's hand about to shake off but we were shocked by what she was wearing. I had never in my life seen Chrissie in a sweater so well fitting and she looked....gorgeous. Veronica and I continued to watch as she polished off that martini like a pro.

"Hhh-hi....Chrissie." I said, wondering if this were the replacement Chrissie Mullen for the evening.

"You look....you look beautiful!" Veronica said bluntly.

"You really do. You look fantastic." I reiterated. Chrissie slowly sat her martini glass back to the table, her hand still shaking.

"Thank you." she answered, breathing out heavily.

"Are you....okay?" Veronica questioned. Chrissie smiled sweetly.

"I'm much better after this drink." She said.

"Oh my god! Did you have sex!?" I asked.

"LYDIA! Don't say sex in this restaurant! My god, what if the waitress heard!?" she squeaked at me. "And no! No I didn't have sex!" Veronica giggled at Chrissie's reaction.

"Then what's the problem with you?" I asked, lighting my cigarette.

"I'm going crazy. I want to do things to Brian that's I've never thought about before. I am desperate to kiss him and I can't do it because it's too soon! He looks so gorgeous today and I could feel my pulse between my legs before he left his flat. I'm about to EXPLODE! Oh, oh, my. Hello there. Sorry." Chrissie said, looking up to the waitress.

"Hello ladies! The three of you look lovely today! Special occasion?" the waitress asked.

"My boyfriends' in a band. He plays guitar." Chrissie told the waitress dreamily.

"We're going to Rock in the Park today. Veronica added, seeing as Chrissie had the menu in a death grip.

"That's delightful! How very nice! Shall I give you ladies a few minutes with the menu or are you ready to order.

"This one here, would like another cocktail and a box of condoms if you have any. But seriously about the cocktail and yes we'll need a few minutes. What are you specials today?" I asked as I felt the eyes of death on me. The waitress laughed before rattling off the early dinner specials. I exhaled my cigarette and glanced over at Chrissie who was definitely about to kill me. "Hey there, girlie. Don't look at me like that. You know as well as I do if they gave you condoms instead of after dinner mints here you would take them." I said. Chrissie couldn't keep a straight face anymore.

"And hey, they give the really good mints here. So that means, if they swapped the good mints with the ultra thins...well...then...." Veronica sighed. "I'm Catholic, Lydia finish the sentence. I don't know how." I laughed at Veronica.

"I love you Chrissie and I hope you get fucked so hard tonight." I said giving her my best in between cigarette puffs smile.

"No! No, no, nooooo, girls! No! That...that can absolutely not happen! It's too soon! It's much too soon! We have barely been together for a month...and yet. I don't want him to think...you know. God, he makes me hotter than hell." She confessed. "I'm just....I'm very frustrated and I'm sorry." I laughed at her.

"Chrissie, I love you so much. By the way, your breasts in that sweater...wow!" I exhaled on my cigarette again.

"She's right. I'm about to hop on ya' from across this table." Veronica added.

"Really?" she asked us. "Is it too much? It took every ounce of confidence I had to put this thing on." Chrissie said.

"If your goal is sex me up Brian May, you achieved it." I told her.

"Well, I have to change! That's not what I was going for!" she said, closing her menu.

"Relax! I'm teasing." I assured her.

"You're fine. You're better than fine." Veronica promised her. The waitress returned and we placed our orders, talking about the upcoming events of the day, what we expected, what we didn't expect and what the temperature would be. We were having a divine lunch, just the three of us. We couldn't wait to see what this afternoon and evening had in store. 

Waiting for a Star to Fallحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن