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Getting out of bed today seems like a mountainous achievement, and I automatically dread the day. I roll over and see that Shay hasn't gotten up yet, but I didn't expect him to, either. There's no sound coming from the hall, so I assume the kids are tucked away in their rooms as well.

"Shay?" I whisper, my voice cracking.

"Hm?" He asks, his voice makes it seem like he never fell asleep last night; maybe he didn't.

"It's her birthday," I tell him. "She's nine."

He groans, "Don't remind me."

By now, Emmi's case has became a huge ordeal across the nation, but nothing has turned up at all. Nothing, over the last year, has provided any clue as to where our little girl is.

"Do we have to do anything today?" I ask. My body can't find the energy to get up and seize the day.

Shay doesn't say anything, he just sits and holds me close while I cry uncontrollably.


"Daddy, can I start school today?" I ask. We're sitting at the table, and I'm eating my favorite cereal, Fruit Loops.

"Julia, why on earth would you want to go to school?" He asks me, raising an eyebrow. "Where'd you even hear about that place, anyway?"

"The cleaning lady," I shrug, waiting to speak again until I finish my spoonful of cereal. "I don't know. I think it would be fun."

"There's a lot of mean people out there, Jules, I wouldn't want you getting hurt."


"No buts, Julia!" He snaps, and I cower in my seat. He sighs, "I'm sorry. C'mon, I'll get you ready for the day."

He dresses me in a pair of jean shorts and a white ruffled tank top. My hair's in a pink satin bow, and I'm ready for the day.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask, swinging my legs off the bed.

"Well, I have run, but you're going to stay here," he says.

"Why can't I ever come with you?" I pout. "I never get to leave!"

"I told you, Julia! There are some nasty people out there!"

"Fine," I mumble, throwing myself onto the bed. "See you later, I guess."

"Be safe, please. And whatever you do-"

"Don't touch the phone, I know!"

"Good girl," he smiles, leaving the room.

Once again, I'm left in my own boredom. I sit around for what seems like hours. My thoughts aren't any help, they just make me want to do things that Daddy said are naughty. I try to follow the rules he gave me, he says they'll save my life someday. I can't watch the TV, I can't look out the window, and most definetly, I can't pick up the phone. They all lead to coming into contact with bad people, as he puts it.

But for some reason, I'm feeling a bit rebellious today. I search around for the TV remote, but I can't find it. Daddy may be very angry with me later, but he can't keep denying me of this stuff. I finally find it in the side table drawer, after making a huge mess that I quickly clean up. I turn on the TV, finally finding the right button. The screen comes to life, and I'm met with a picture of a little girl that looks an awful lot like me.

I don't get long to look, though, because the remote's being ripped from my hand and the screen goes black before I get the chance to see any more. My eyes are met with Daddy's dark green ones, and I'm scared out of my own skin. "I thought I told you to follow the rules," he says between his teeth. He yanks is hand away, and puts the remote back in the drawer. He paces back and forth, his hands on his head.

"Who is that girl?" I ask, voice small.

"I-It doesn't matter."

I let it go, not wanting to get him any more mad.

"C'mere, cuddle with Daddy."

I crawl onto his lap while he holds me on top of him and sings me a song. I can't concentrate, though.

Who was that girl?

Taken | Emmi ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now