Chapter 8

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Third Person's POV.

The explosion knocked everyone in the training room off their feet.

Toni crashed into Andrew who caught her but landed hard on his back. Cap pulled his Shield off his back quickly and pulled Widow close to him in order to protect her from flying debris. James did the same with Taylor.

After about 5 seconds of laying on top of her brother Toni managed to get up, though her right ankle did bother her as she put weight on it.

Toni looked around to see what had caused the attack just to hear the sound of an evil laughter she knew well.

"Loki." She hissed before she even saw the Asgardian god.

Loki stepped out of the white cloud of smoke that had been created from the explosion and smirked.

"The one and only," the trickster chuckled before he noticed that it was Toni talking to him and not who he thought, Taylor.

Toni looked up at the floating man and frowned all the bad memories of her father's death replaying in her mind.

"You killed him," she sneered, this was the first time she had actually been face to face with the asgardian since her father's death, and she wasn't counting the encounter in which she saved the avengers.

"I don't know of who you speck child, but who ever they were," Loki smirked, "They deserved it."

Toni grew angry at this statement, her father never deserved to die. She wanted to launch herself at the villain so bad, the only thing stopping her was Andrew's hand on her shoulder.

"T... calm down," Andrew spoke.

Toni took in a deep breath and nodded before looking away from Loki.

"GREAT! You again!" Taylor belted at the sight of Loki, "How many times am I going to have to fight with you!?"

"You don't know the half of it," Toni mumbled.

James looked at his future daughter and raised an eyebrow at this comment but quickly brushed it off in order to draw his attention back to Loki.

"What do you want!?" James fumed.

"Isn't it simple!? WORLD DOMINATION!" Loki chuckled.

"Brother stop this madness!" Thor boomed, "You can't win this fight!"

"I couldn't alone before, now I can."

Andrew's eyes widened in realization, "Doom and Skull."

Toni snapped her head towards her bother getting what he was saying, "Oh god no."

"What?" Tony asked, "What's going to happen?"

"You already teamed up with Doom and Skull haven't you!?" Andrew questioned Loki.

Loki smirked down on one of the elemental twins, "Boy, I've been partnered with them since I put mini Stark in her death like coma!"

"What's happening here?!" Tony demanded to know.

Toni turned her head towards her grandfather, "I our time Loki teamed up with Magneto, Doctor Doom, and Red skull to take over the world. Loki rules the Americas, Magneto South Africa and Australia, Red Skull Asia, and Doctor Doom Europe," she explained.

"Great. That's just fantastic." Stark mumbled.

"Loki, why are you here?" Cap demanded to know.

"To complete what should have been finished during our last battle, your destruction," Loki smirked. 

Toni quickly noticed that Loki had a started casting a knock-out spell and looked to Andrew. 

"Andrew...." she warned. 

Andrew looked to his sister and saw what she was getting at. 

Loki saw what the two were doing and threw the spell at Andrew who tried to block it but quickly fell to the ground. 

"Andrew!" Toni screamed at the sight of her brother falling to the ground, and at this instant she knew this wasn't a knock out spell. She ran over to him collapsing to her knees as soon as she was next to him. She put her hands to his neck to check his pulse just like she was trained to do. She felt a faint Heartbeat. 

She snapped her head upwards to look at Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.

"Help me! I can barely feel his heart beat!" she screamed at them tears coming to her eyes. She couldn't lose her brother. 

Banner quickly reacted and ran over, as did Stark. Together the two men picked him up and carried the teenage boy to the infirmary leaving Toni even more furious at the Asgardian demigod. 

 She snapped her head in his direction and set her hair on fire. 

"You hurt him!" She screamed, meanwhile throwing a fireball at him. 

Loki lifted his spear to block it but it didn't work, instead he got badly burned on his hand and was forced to drop the scepter. 

Taylor noticed this and smirked. She ran towards the scepter and quickly picked it up already feeling a connection to it as soon as she touched it. 

"That hurt," Loki hissed, "That's impossible." Loki was normally resistant to fire. 

"Not anymore," Toni snapped. 

Before Loki could respond he was hit in the side of the head with Captain America's vibranium shield causing the trickster to fall down to the floor.

Loki fell fall onto his belly and just as he lifted his head up Toni, kicked him in the side of the head, and hard. 

"That's for my brother trickster," she hissed before kicking him where the sun doesn't shine, "And that's for my father." She went to kick him again just to feel a hand set on her shoulder. 

She turned her head to see James had set a hand on her shoulder. 

"T. That's enough," he stated. 

"No it's not," she sneered, "And it never will be."

"I understand that but is this what your brother would want? Your parents?" James asked not knowing the kind of impact those words would have. 

Toni stopped and turned to James, "No," she spat, "They won't have wanted this, for me to kill him, they would want him imprisoned, for him to be put on trial." 

James nodded agreeing with her statement, "Alright... Why don't we do that?"

Toni nodded before turning towards the door and heading to the infirmary to see her brother. 

Taylor and James watched their future daughter leave the training room before looking to the other. 

"She reminds me of you," James joked towards Taylor who rolled her eyes at the comment. 

"Rogers, stop avoiding the elephant in the room, you heard the twins. We're going to get married eventually," Taylor commented. 

"What's so wrong with that Stark? I actually kind of like the idea."

"Of course you would."

"So.... Want to be my girlfriend?" 

Taylor snapped her head and looked and James who was now by her side.

"About time idiot," she smirked before pulling him in and kissing James quickly on the lips, "Also, she has your hair," Taylor added chuckling. 

"Now that you say it... she does," James smiled before kissing Taylor again. 

Hey guys!!! SO I have 3 chapters already written after this so I'm posting today AND tomorrow!!!! YAY!!!! Right!? I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

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