I saw him roll his eyes before I ran back across town to the lab. I logged into my computer and looked around the empty lab. I didn't enjoy the idea working alone today, but I didn't really have a choice. I had grown so accustomed to having a partner that it was strange to actually be alone in the lab again. I didn't plan on getting used to it, though. I kept telling myself that it was just one day without Izzy and that I could handle the solo work for a little while. It wouldn't be difficult, but it would be silent and lonely.

I spent the majority of the morning doing fingerprint analysis for a few cases downstairs. It was painstakingly boring and tedious, but I was glad that I had something to do. After my third set of having to match, I turned on the radio so that I wasn't sitting in complete silence for the entire day. The slow music calmed my boredom and actually helped me focus on the individual prints. I was annoyed that I wasn't able to find any matches in the criminal database because that meant more paperwork for me to do. Yeah, it gave me something to do to keep my mind off of the deafening silence in the lab, but paperwork was the bane of my existence. It was, in all honesty, just busywork that was going to be filed and never seen again. It was a pointless waste of my time, and I abhorred doing it.

Around lunchtime, I was debating whether or not to stop by Izzy's apartment and see if she wanted to get lunch together, but I was called to go downtown at a murder scene. I packed my forensics case before running downtown, getting there in record time. Joe chuckled lightly at my arrival, and I smiled softly at him. He led me into the bedroom where there were two bodies, a woman on the bed and a man on the floor. Something that I found odd about his body was that he was lying on his back with his knees bent and his feet at his sides, almost in a hurdler's stretch. It wasn't a natural position for a body to be lying in; you really only saw that kind of position when someone had been on their knees and then executed.

"What's the story?" I asked, pulling on a pair of gloves.

"The husband walked in on our John Doe sexually assaulting and stabbing his wife, and he claimed to have shot him in self-defense."

I squatted down next to the body, seeing that there wasn't any blood on his shirt or on his arms. "If he had stabbed the woman, there would be blood on his shirt." I stated, picking up the knife and putting it in an evidence bag.

"You think the husband was lying?"

I nodded, looking up at him. "It would also make sense as to why your John Doe is lying on the ground like this." I stood up and stood next to Joe. "If he had been standing, his knees wouldn't be bent backwards like that."

Joe nodded, writing down my observations on a notepad. "We'll take the husband in for questioning and get a better view of his side of the story."

I nodded, and Joe walked out of the room. I pulled my camera out of my case and started taking the routine evidence photos. It was a rather gruesome murder, and I honestly felt bad that the woman had to die in that way. After I took all of the photos that I needed to take, I checked around thoroughly for any stray evidence that might have been lying around. Sadly, I hadn't been able to find anything, and I was disheartened at the fact. After searching the entire apartment for clues or any more evidence, I was sent back to the precinct to dust the knife for fingerprints. It seemed unlikely that the prints would match those of the John Doe, but I still needed to check just in case.

The next hour hours seemed to drag on and on. When I dusted the knife, there weren't any prints to lift, which cause quite a row in the precinct. After that, I wasn't really needed, so I spent my time scrolling through various web pages and even going far enough to check Facebook to see how all of my alumni from high school and college were doing. That measured just how bored I was, and I felt like I was going to lose my mind after reading the fifth post about how happy yet another cheerleader was living with their successful doctor husband. I eventually just logged out, not wanting to have to deal with reading any more of the same posts.

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