"Only when I have said superhero asleep in my bedroom." She beamed.

I laughed. "You're such a nerd."

"I thought this was already common knowledge." She chuckled, her face lighting up with happiness. It warmed my heart to see her so happy, and I was glad that she was able to put her anger from last night aside long enough to laugh with me.

"It is, and I find it incredibly endearing." She smiled, looking down at her tablet. "Hey, what time is it?"

"About eight-forty five."

I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "I have to get home so that Joe doesn't put out a missing persons bulletin on me." I looked at her with a soft smile. "Don't have too much fun on your day off, okay?"

She nodded. "Don't have too much fun at work."

I smiled, kissing her cheek. "Try my hardest."

I ran out of her loft and made my way back to Joe's house, thankful that I was running so fast that no one could tell that I wasn't wearing a shirt. It was much colder than I had anticipated, and I was shivering by the time I made it back to my room. I immediately pulled on another sweater and a fresh pair of pants, thankful for the warmth. It was going to take a minute to fully retain all of the heat that I had lost, but I was sure that it would come back quick enough. I could hear Joe humming as I walked down the stairs, and he looked rather surprised at my presence. I smiled brightly at him and told him good morning as I walked towards the kitchen, wishing that I had gotten some coffee from Izzy's before running across town.

"And where were you all night?" Joe inquired as I routinely poured myself a cup of coffee.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "I was fighting crime and such." I answered, telling the truth, just not the whole truth.

"You were fighting crime all night?" He questioned, obviously not buying my story.

"I might have stayed at a friend's house." I said, taking a sip of the bitter yet warm liquid to avoid his question.

It took him a second, but when he figured it out, a smirk appeared on his face. "You were with Izzy, weren't you?"

I rolled my eyes. "It wasn't anything like that, Joe."

"Then what was it?"

I sighed, scratching my eyebrow in thought. "Last night was kind of rough for all of us." I confessed. "We found the bomb that Hartley had been building, and when I was going to deactivate it, Izzy kind of... confessed that she has feelings for me."

He arched his eyebrows in happy shock. "So she feels the same way about you?"

I nodded with a smile. "After I made sure that the bomb was offline, I went to talk to her about all of it, and I ended up spending the night with her."

"So, are you two...?"

I nodded with a soft chuckle. "We are."

He smiled, hugging me and patting my back. "I'm happy for you, son." He pulled away, beaming at me. "I'm glad that you're finally getting the kind of happiness that you deserve."

"Me too, Joe. I know it isn't going to be easy, but I think that Izzy and I can really make it work."

"I wish both of you the best."

"That means more than you think it does." I told him honestly. It was easier to be in a relationship where all of your friends and family supported you.

"I hate to kill the moment, but we're going to be late to work if we don't leave now."

I chuckled. "You're going to be late."

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