I laughed softly and pulled back my hands, tucking them into the sleeping bag. "I went out for some water. Met your dad."

"Hmm. Where was he going?" he moved closer to me, both of us still wrapped in our individual sleeping bags.

"Going to meet with the Volm." I yawned. "I miss the bed."

He snorted in laughter. "Yeah. Me too. But try to get some more sleep anyway, Cass. It's still early."

And I did. I slept for maybe an hour, just over, until Ben was leaning over me. "We gotta go."



People were always shouting for me. This time, it was Jeanne. I had only woken up ten minutes before to hear the news that Tom was being imprisoned for touching the Volm leader- who was also Cochise's father. We were trying to pack up as quickly as possible before the Volm came to take us wherever they wanted to take us.

I almost didn't respond to the yell of my name, because we were so busy. But Jeanne was looking terrified, leaning out of her father's tent just a few metres away. I headed straight over. "What's wrong?"

"My dad." She whispered and pulled me inside. Weaver was clutching his chest, sprawling on the chair in the tent.

I went to him, pulling at his shoulders to straighten him up and placed my hand over his heart, firmly massaging at his chest to encourage the blood flow. it had happened a few times in the period I had known him. I had seen Anne do it before she had given in to his constant woes and given him some pills.

"Are you taking your pills?" I questioned him as his face stopped contorting in pain.

"Not as often. I'm making them last." He took a deep breath.

"You knew?" Jeanne looked at me with folded arms.

I nodded. "Sorry, Jeannie."

"There's nothing to be sorry about, I'm fine." Weaver scoffed. I took a step back and looked at him.

"You have to take the pills at least every two days, or else they won't work at all. I have a stock of them with me. Don't worry about that." I scolded him. I was about to launch into a lecture but was stopped by an uproar coming from outside.

We rushed out, concerned at what would have incited anger from everyone. The Volm. Cochise stood with three other of his kind. And they wanted our weapons.

They were acting like they were doing us a favour. I couldn't believe it. I didn't say anything when Pope spoke out, saying we could take them. We couldn't.

I kept my eyes focused on Cochise who looked alienly guilty. And he should. Because we trusted him and he didn't stand up for us.

So we gave up our weapons, well, most of them- the obvious ones. We still had knives and hidden handguns but that wouldn't pack much of a punch against any attack.

"So things have gone downhill pretty quick." Maggie stood beside me. "This morning I was having sex and now we are weaponless and about to be transported."

I snorted at the situation we were in. It was very much a 'laugh or cry' situation. In fact our lives were very much 'laugh or cry' situations.

"Why are we always bouncing about in this? I just want normality." I looked up at the sky, staring at the dark clouds gathered above us.

She made an agreeing noise which made me roll my eyes. "Oh please. You wouldn't know what to do with yourself in normality now." I looped my hand in her arm and we walked to help pack up the cars.

Falling Skies Invasion AloneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz