Aki had used at least five tissues when he was done. When Tsurugi started to tell her everything, Aki led them both to the living room to chat in private so that neither Tenma nor Sasuke could hear. And she was thankful she had done that, because if she hadn't then they would've heard her sobbing by the door.

Tsurugi stared at her sympathetically. This was why he didn't want to tell her. He knew that she would end up crying her heart out when he's done.

He told her basically the whole thing, not leaving a single detail. He told her of Tenma's weird behavior when they had reached the mansion. He told her of Karin's accidental slip-up. He told her of Kenta's stern warning to not bother Tenma again.

He told her of Tenma's talk with his...father. He told her of Tenma's reaction when he saw him eavesdropping. He told her of Tenma's outburst. He told her of everyone's reaction.

Everything. He told her everything.

He had seen enough people cry yesterday, Tenma alone was enough; he didn't need nor want to see another person cry again.


Aki's voice snapped him from his thoughts. He looked up and saw that Aki had stopped her crying, now only mere hiccups.

"I heard Tenma say you betrayed him." Aki stated, wiping her tears. Tsurugi couldn't help but do a double take at that, even though a part of him expected it.

"What did he mean by that?" Aki questioned.

Tsurugi turned away from her, not bearing to look at her in the eye. "...I broke my promise with him. I had told him that I wouldn't tell anyone, but I went behind his back and told everyone."

The striker balled his fists and he gritted his teeth. "But, I didn't have a choice! I just couldn't watch my best friend suffer and do nothing!" He nearly shouted the last part to the woman before him.

Tsurugi quickly calmed down and sighed, "I...I had to do something. I can't stand seeing him hurt." He eventually confessed.

Aki watched the striker's near outburst in shock and surprise. Until now, she never saw Tsurugi like that. She didn't expect him to lose his cool. But after hearing his reasons, Aki gave the boy a smile. It was probably not a good smile, since her face was a mess because of the crying, but it was still a smile.

"It's not your fault." Her soft voice said.

Tsurugi turned back to her with his eyes wide. Out of all outcomes and comebacks he predicted, what she just said wasn't one of them.

Aki saw the disbelief in his eyes and furrowed her eyebrows. "You wanted to help a friend in need. What's wrong with that?"

"I betrayed him." Tsurugi replied. "I broke our promise-"

"For the better." Aki interrupted. She put her hand on Tsurugi's shoulder comfortingly. "Tenma will understand. He's just shocked that someone knows, since he's been putting it in the dark for so long."

"...He won't forgive me."

Aki shook her head. "No, I'm sure he will. Tenma's the type that already gave his forgiveness even before the person asked for it."

A small smile appeared on the striker's face and he almost chuckled. That does sound like Tenma.

"Thanks to you, he won't be facing this alone anymore." Aki pulled her hand away, placing it on her lap. "You broke his trust, though, so you and the others have to think of a way to earn it back." Aki added, giving him a taste of reality.

Tsurugi stayed silent, but nodded anyway. "I will." The striker said with a small smile. "Thank you, Aki-san.

When Tsurugi walked back to Tenma's door, Sasuke was still standing there, guarding it. Apparently he stopped growling when the boy was out of his sight, but he went back to doing it again when Tsurugi came into his view. Tsurugi almost sighed, seeing that this dog was almost as stubborn as his owner.

The Truth Behind His SmileWhere stories live. Discover now