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"Ms. Jackson, as you know we have the results of your test from a few days ago." Dr. Lee said calmly.

I nod, "I'm well aware.." My mom had prepared me all morning for this. I'm just ready to hear the results.

"You tested positive for metastatic cancer. It's developing slowly in your lungs. And it could possibly make its way into your heart." I felt like a bus just hit me. I had cancer. "We will start treatment immediately."

My mom began crying into my shoulder. She was just as scared as I was. "Doctor, will the chemo hurt her?"

He looks at his clipboard and sighs, "It's hard to tell."

*Two months later*

I sit in the window seat and watch the delicate snowflakes fall out of the angry looking sky. I adjust the beyond uncomfortable head wrap and lay down.

Clutching my new favorite book to my chest, I stand up with help of the wall. I made my way to the dining room table and laid the it down.

Leaning against the table was my crutches that I hardly used. My mom thought it was safer to use a wheelchair. Honestly I can't blame her. Using the crutches hurt my under arms after a while.

I sat down in one of the chairs and rest me head in my arms. Soon I would be going to chemo. That is probably one of the downsides to cancer. You have to go almost three times a week. Well.. At least I do.

As if right on cue my phone began ringing. I answer it after seeing it was my friend Amoury.


"Hey, Anna, guess what?"

I smile, "Um.. You finally talked to KJ?"
"Ugh. No. But its better than KJ." There was a bit of silence then I heard an excited squeal. "I got three VIP tickets to the 5 Seconds of Summer concert next month."

I laugh, "Amy? Is that really all?" She usually had tricks up her sleeve so I needed to confirm what I thought she was doing.

Amy scoffs, "Anna, I'm taking you with me." I almost dropped my phone. "Anna?"

I swallow uncomfortably, "I can't go. I'm getting worse. I can barely walk from my window seat to the dining room."

Amy went silent. "Anna.. I want your dream to come true. You've wanted to meet them forever. Why give up now?"

She had a point but was I actually going to be able to go? That is another story inside itself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2015 ⏰

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