Chapter 5 (edited)

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Chapter 5

Tempest frowned waking up to the sound of something snapping. Instantly she was alert, sitting up and every muscle tensing as her eyes shifted the area before coming to a rest of a set of bushes. Things always appear out of bushes, she thought to herself as she slowly leaned over and hit Theo’s shoulder. With him still sleeping she felt more vulnerable than ever, having come to rely on the brotherly figure for her strength and bravery.


With him refusing to awaken upon her insistent nudging she hissed out of the corner of her mouth, trying to put as much urgency in the words as possible without sounding panicked or alerting whatever was coming close to them, “Theo! Wake up! We’re being attacked by an unseen monster!”


Still, the flaxen haired lug refused to awaken and instead slumbered peacefully. Giving up Tempest slowly pushed the sleeping bag off her legs, trying to make as little noise as possible during the shift of the fabric. Getting the sleeping bag off silently was much harder than getting to her feet and, once standing she felt a small surge of confidence embed itself inside of her.


The rustling grew louder and the confidence she thought she felt, vanished in a flash, leaving her with a racing heart, wide eyes, and the feeling of jelly legs.


The bushes were rustling and all thoughts of being able to use her fire left her mind as the twigs started to part. Time itself seemed to slow and all she could focus on was the thing that would come out of the bushes.


Suddenly, emerging from the bushes a small white fluff appeared and Tempest felt herself flush a deep pink at the sight of the small rabbit. Her fear left her and was filled with the feeling of foolishness as she saw the small creature. Shaking her head she turned and felt her breath stop along with the feeling of her heart skipping a beat as she turned to see Miles standing right behind her.


Instantly her temper flared to life, “Dammit, Miles! What the hell?! Why would you sneak up behind me like some sort of stalker?!”


Rather than respond Miles just rolled his eyes and a jet of flames shot from his open palm, roasting the rabbit alive. Walking over he picked it up, barely regarding Tempest, making her even more upset.


“Are you just going to ignore me?! How dare you even think about ignoring me! If anyone should be ignoring someone it’s me! And I would be ignoring you!” She shouted in rage, feeling the urge to stamp her foot to punctuate her point but knowing she would look childish if she did.


Aggravated Miles turned to her, his eyes flashing darkly with rage, “Pack everything up. I discovered Snatchers in the trees. Wake up Theo, now.”


At his words she blinked, startled and Tempest’s temper vanished. Walking over to Theo a small flame appeared in her hand and she ran it over the back of his neck, bothering him just enough to cause him to open his eyes and smile. At the look on his face she felt heart melted a little, he looked so innocent and child like with the last tendrils of sleep still clutching his brain.


Miles harshly explained the situation to Theo, dissolving the image of that sleepy and innocent look as Theo became all business and seriousness. Quickly the two packed the camp up, grabbing only what was essential as the sound of hooves hitting the ground suddenly appeared in the distance.

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