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Present time

The sound of voices filled the halls, people were beginning to show up at school. Lia stood along with her friends next to the stairs. They all shared laughs, giggles, smiles and jokes. All of them felt comfortable with each other, treated each other like siblings.

The hall was filled with a bunch of people, some of them were moving around. Each person hung out in a group. If not they sat against the walls and read a book or ate breakfast till the bell rang. People always fit in so it was very rare of people to do that.

The voices dialed down once the front doors opened, the voices turned into whispers. Lia knew who that was, she wasn't amused. She looked in that direction seeing Matthew Espinosa. Her ex boyfriend.

She still cared for him, he cared for her. He never showed it. He always looked like he didn't give a shit. He wore a white tee shirt and jeans. He kept his hair to the side but had a little tease to make it look better. He walked to his locker and opened it ignoring the amount of stares and whispers he got.

He was used to it. He didn't care what people said. He didn't care who stared. He cared about his business and his looks. Which wasn't very well for an intelligent mind like his.

Lia didn't take her eyes off him till he caught her. She turned around and looked at her friends, joining the conversation. Matthew loved when he caught her staring. He thought it was adorable.

He smiled to himself and then walked away, Matt wasn't the kid to mess with. Every since their break up, he became more stronger. He lifted weights, he began working out, he began joining different sports. Matthew had something wrong with him which scared people and made him loose some of his friends.

His anger issues grew, he would snap, he would argue, he would even fight. Lia thinks it's because he hasn't taken all his feelings off of their break up. She was correct, he still had feelings for her.

Reason why he broke up with her was because his anger level raised and made her in danger. He didn't want to hurt her, he loved her. He'd rather break up with her than see her hurt because he did something to her.

She always planned on talking to Matt, she thought them becoming friends would make them better. Matt didn't, his feelings for her were strong. He would have accidentally kissed her while they would have been talking. He misses her deeply.

She was his happiness, he had nothing left from her. Not even a picture. He threw all of them away when he got home, his mistake. She had every picture. Her storage on her computer was filled with videos of them. When she would get bored she would watch them.

She knew it would upset her but not too much, his smile made her day even better. She would feel her sadness drift after seeing that smile she needed. He never showed that smile at school. People thought he was depressed after the break up but he wasn't.

He missed her, he needed her, he wanted her. But now he thinks he can't have her. She talks to this boy that is part group she's apart of. She doesn't like him because he's gay but what does Matt know. He thinks of things in a wrong way.

Today Matt walked to the classroom she had first period and sat at her desk. He got a sticky note and grabbed his led pencil.

"I love you so much Lia, you don't understand – unknown"

He stuck the note in her desk and walked out of the room and into his first period class. The bell rang and people began coming into the classrooms. Lia sat in the seat she was assigned to and put her textbook in the desk. She saw something fall and picked it up.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 12, 2015 ⏰

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