Chapter Two

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Chapter 2.

*Taylor's pov*

I actually have 5 brothers total. 4 older and 1 younger. My oldest brothers name is Logan. He is 20. He's 6'3. Logan is usually nice to me. But sometimes I can really tick him off and he sure lets me know it.

Next is Brandon. He is 19, 6'2 and super sweet. Though he does tease me and call me silly names but I don't really mind, all of my brothers do.

Then there's Evan. He is 17, 6'2, and super annoying. He can be really mean and he usually isn't really nice unless our parents are around or unless he wants me to do something for him. Him and I do get along sometimes though.

Next is Devon. Devon is 16. Me and him are pretty close. He totally gets me and I love that about him. He's 5'11 and even though he can be mean, he is nice the majority of the time.

Last but not least is Tommy. Tommy is the youngest. He's 12, but he's 5'5. Yup, same height as my younger brother. Fun, right? Hahaha no.

And another thing, I go to the same school as some of them. Well not Logan. He's in college. Brandon's graduates this year too.

Now a question you might be wondering: how can you possibly survive going to school with your brother?

It's hard I tell you. School should be a place where you can get away from them but lucky me, I get to escape.

Evan and I have one class together. That class would be band. I try to avoid him but 4th period I have no choice.

And we can't forgot my boyfriend Lukas! Lukas has brown hair that flips and dark brown eyes. I find him cute, but my friends and brothers hate him. They're always saying things like "There's something about that kid.." Or "I don't trust him.", but I don't mind because I love him.

Lukas and I have been dating for almost one full year and I couldn't ask for anything more. He's a great boyfriend.

My best friends name is Sarah. Sarah is so hilarious and beautiful and I love her. She's about 5'3 and she has long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Plus, she's 14 just like me.

Sarah's older brothers name is Daniel. Daniel is very good looking. If I wasn't dating Lukas, I would have a huge crush on Daniel. I personally think that every girl thinks he's cute. Daniel has short brownish blonde hair that spikes where bangs should be and the most beautiful light green eyes. He's 5'10 and 15 years old.

Enough about my family and friends though, now for some actual interesting things.

*Later that day*

"Kids! Get down stairs! We're going out to dinner" My mom yelled up the stairs.

Me and all my brothers all ran down the stairs and piled into the car. My mom and dad were seated in the front. Me, Devon, and Logan were seated in the middle section. And in the back sat Evan, Brandon, and Tommy.

I put my head phones in to try to block out my brothers conversations.

A few minutes went by and Evan wouldn't stop poking me. I'm pretty sure his actual mission in life is to annoy the living crap out of me.

I took of my head phones and turned around in the seat.

"What do you want Evan?" I asked.

"Nothing." He replied.

"You're an idiot."

"What did I say about insulting me?" He asked.

"You told me not to do it" I replied blankly.

"Exactly" he said.

"We'll you're not my boss"

"You don't know that."

"Actually yeah, I do know that." I replied.

"Shut up!" he said.

"Evan is being mean to me mom!!!" I yelled to her.

"Evan, is that true?" she asked.

"What? No, she's lying."

"No! I'm not lying. He's being mean to me because I called him an idiot!"

"Did not!!!" he protested.

"Did too!!" I replied.

"Well Taylor name calling isn't acceptable and Evan being mean to your little sister isn't acceptable. How would you two like to be grounded?" mom asked.

"We wouldn't." I said sadly.

"That's what I thought. Now behave and apologize to each other." Mom said.

I looked at Evan. "I'm sorry I called you an idiot and almost got you grounded."

"It's okay. I'm sorry I told you to shut up." He said.

"It's okay." He replied. I smiled and turned back around in my seat.

A few more minutes passed. "Are we there yet?" I whined to mom.

"Almost." she replied.

I sighed. "Will you guys drop me off at Lukas's first?"

"No! We are going out to dinner as a family!"

"This is boring." I said.

"It's not suppose to be thrilling." Logan mumbled.

"Please mom?"



"Listen to your mother."

I sighed in defeat and nodded.


I'm currently editing these chapters so if you are just beginning to read this book I apologize if there is any confusion with change of plot. This story is going through major construction and I'm changing a lot so please mind the inconvenience.

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