Levi x Shy Reader Rough Side

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I was running through the streets from the MP's. Long story short I shouldn't have thrown that rock. Yeah I just tossed a rock behind me and it hit one of the MP's so now they are hunting me down like a pack of wolves. As I was running I noticed a thing called a 3DMG and quickly grabbed it. I put it on and off I was, flying through the wind. I soon lost them and stopped on a rooftop to catch my breath. As I sat there for a few minutes I seen another boy my age using a 3DMG. It looked like he was running from something. As he was going down the street a Scout came down on top of him and crashed into him. The boy was pretty fast and could think quickly but another Scout caught him and his two friends were caught as well. As a couple more Scouts showed up I decided to leave when someone knocked me off the rooftop. As I fell I pulled the person down with me. They were apparently prepared for it so once I landed on the ground the person held on of my arms by my wrist while the other was holding myself up slightly. I looked around to see where we were exactly and I felt embarassed. Everyone that I just watched from the roof was looking at me. I hid my face by looking down so my hair would cover it up. Once everyone realized what to do they put the three other kids and me in handcuffs. One of the Scouts was confronting the three while I sat against the wall of a building with my eyes closed and face towards the ground. As I sat there I suddenly heard footsteps coming towards me. The MP that I accidentally threw the rock at (and the same one who pushed me off the roof) pulled my hair so that my face was up. The Scout leader walked up to me and bent down.
"So what would you like to do? Be punished or join the scouts?" He said with a smirk on his face. I looked over to the side so I wouldn't have to see his face.
"I-I'll join." I said very quietly.

~Years later~

I woke up to another sunny day. I quickly got ready and headed out to train with everyone else. Today marked the day when I officially joined the Scouts years ago. Ever since I joined I haven't talked much and didn't fight that much for training either. Everyone thought I was weak but useful at the same time. There have been days where I have been close to snapping but so far I've been the same quiet, shy girl I am. After practice we all ate at the mess hall. I grabbed my food and walked over to the tatable I always sit at. I was enjoying the peacefulness when Hanji and Petra sat with me.
"Heya (y/n)! How are you today?" Petra asked me.
"I-I'm fine I guess."
"So (y/n) do you want to join me on my experiments today?" Hanji asked me creepily. I nicely shook my head no and she just shrugged her shoulders.
"Oh well, your loss."
"So (y/n) have you heard anything about Levi lately?" Petra asked.
"N-no why?"
"Well people have been talking about how he is super hot with his badass attitude. There are even rumors going around that he likes somebody." She said.
"Do you know who?" Hanji asked her.
"Not 100% sure but I'm sure it's me. I sometimes catch him staring at me and he blushes alot when I'm around him too."
As she said those words my heart shattered.
'Of course she would think it is her. She is obsessed with the man.'
As they went on about she is probably going to end up marrying Levi I quickly left the mess hall. As I walked out the door I bumped into someone and almost knocked them over. I looked at who it was and was immediately embarassed.
"Tch. Watch where your walking cadet." Levi said.
"Yes s-sir." I said quietly. He scoffed at me and walked by like nothing happened. I went out to the field and practiced on my fighting skill. I may be shy and not fight much but when I let my anger out you'll like my quiet side. I was out there for pretty much the whole afternoon and some of the evening. As I was about to do one last move I heard the signal for dinner at the mess hall. I quickly regained myself and calmly went to go eat. I got my food at again sat at the same table from this morning. I was enjoying my food when Petra came and sat with me again. This time though she was pissed.
"What's wrong Petra?" Hanji asked when she sat down next to her.
"Levi is a complete dick." She said. Once those words were said I almost choked on my bread.
"Why?" Hanji asked.
"Well after breakfast this morning I was helping him clean up the stables. I asked him about the rumors going around to see if they were true. He said he did like somebody but wouldn't say who. So I went up to him and kissed him. He immediately rejected me and told me to leave him alone. I didn't understand why he wouldn't just come out and say he likes me so me and him kept arguing over how he needs to come out about things."
"Wait so you're mad because he doesn't like you?" I asked annoyed.
"No I mad at the fact he won't admit that he likes me. Everyone knows its me he likes but he won't say it." She said. She then started to go on and on again about him and how they are going to end up together. I finally had enough and punched her in the face.
"Shut up!" I screamed at her. Everyone looked over at me, shocked that I raised my voice. "Just shut up! Deal with the fact that he doesn't like you and move on! Life goes on Bitch, take it or leave it." I then grabbed my soup bowl and dumped it over her. Everyone gasped at my action. I was about to walk out when she jumped on my back and tackled me to the ground. She gripped my hair and kneed me in the gut. When I gained my strength back I gripped her hair kicked her over me so that she fell on her back hard on the wooded floor. She let go of me so I got up and kicked her in the face. I knew she was down for good so I stood there for a sec breathing hard.
"Get over yourself Petra. The whole world doesn't revolve around you." I then flip my hair out of my face and walk out.

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