Chapter 36 ~ The Party

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Hope you're all okay will the plot so far, all of your comments make me so happy!

Dan's P.O.V
I watched Phil's chest rise and fall rhythmically, his face was so still, and peaceful, if I could, I'd keep him that way, he looked so content and happy.
But I had to wake him up, people would start arriving soon.
I placed my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently.
"Phil?" I mumbled.
He didn't move.
I shook him a little, "Phil?" I said louder.
"Mm" he muttered.
"What time is it?" I asked him smiling.
"Party time" he whispered into his pillow.
"Exactly, come on! Ten minutes" I said cheerily. He rolled over and groaned, but nodded in understanding.
I let go of his arm and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me allowing him to get ready in his own time and privacy.
"What time is it? Summer time! It's our vacation!" I heard his muffled voice behind the door and footsteps pacing by his wardrobe.
"Dork" I giggled.
Cutting off my train of thought, the doorbell rang.
Our first guest I presumed, and skipped down the corridor towards the door, arriving at the door I coughed to myself to clear my throat and plastered on a big smile.
I swung open the door, facing Louise, Charlie and PJ.
They must've bumped into each other on the stairs.
"Woah, Dan as lovely as your smile is, tone down, chummy" Louise laughed ruffling my hair.
She looked well and happy.
I was glad.
PJ laughed too, handing me a bottle of some kind of wine.
"There you go! Booze!" He said sounding pleased.
"Well..." I chuckled gesturing to the large table of 'booze' we had set up.
"Ah..." He nodded.
"In for, quite a night aren't we?" Charlie laughed.
I nodded, "Phil's just getting dressed, he took a nap before you arrived".
"Bless, I bet he's worried himself silly about this party, he always gets himself worked up over these things!" Louise tutted, sympathetically.
"Something like that.. Take seat, um? I'll take your coats?" I said unsurely.
"What a gentleman" PJ laughed handing me his coat, followed by Louise's and Charlie's.
I carried the coats down to my room and put them on my bed, there wasn't really anywhere else for them.
As I left my room, Phil came out of his.
He looked great, his cute blue shirt with the hearts, and some jeans, he was wearing his glasses too, which he always denied suited him, but my god, they do. Something about the scruffy bed hair, that he must've just had time to run his fingers through made him look even more attractive.
I realized I'd been staring at him for a good few seconds without saying anything so I just smiled. Though as I noticed he didn't want to speak up either, I said the first thing I could, as quickly as I could.
"They're in there!" I pointed down the hall.
He smiled excitedly.
"Yay!" He held his hand up and I high fived him, spiritedly.
He walked down the hall with a slight skip in his step and I watched him walk away.
He looked really good.
"Oh, Dan?" He said, turning his head to me and smiling.
"You look... Really great" he said nodding firmly.
"Oh, so do you..." I said, screaming inside.
He blushed and smiled, looking down at his feet for a moment, before walking back into the lounge...
I made Phil blush, and to me that was the tiniest spark of hope that maybe, something could happen.
I smiled to myself and walked out to the lounge to join the others, quite a few people had arrived now, including Alex, who, surprise surprise was clinging to Phil's arm laughing.
Phil looked so uncomfortable it made me so furious, I stormed over to them both, punching Alex straight in the face with all the force I could. I felt the blow in my fist as it pulsated angrily.
...Or at least I did in my mind.
Of course, in reality, I waved at the two and looked away.
That's all I could do, I felt sick, and Alex knew all too well.
"Dan?" I heard, behind me, I turned round and stood just behind me in the front door. Was Chris.
"...Chris?" I said, I was so happy he was... Well, but so shocked he was... Here?
"How've you been?" I asked after a moment of quiet.
"I'm getting... Better" he said, perking up a bit "I finished my therapy and I'm here, out! All's good!" He laughed.
Phil looked up from the snacks bowl at us and grinmed excitedly, pulling away from Alex and running over.
"Chris!" He squealed, hugging him tightly.
"Phil!" How are you!?" He giggled.
"I'm good! You look great! Wow" he was so excited.
"Well so do-" he stopped and looked across the room.
"Chris?" Phil said anxiously.
I looked over my shoulder across where Chris was looking and I noticed PJ, stood with his new girlfriend, Phil told him she could come. Though in all honesty he didn't seem that connected to her in any way.
She was leaning against the wall with a drink talking about something intently, as PJ gazed around the room, she leaned forwards kissing his cheek softly trying to pull him back, which didn't have much effect either.
"Just go talk to him" I mumbled, turning back to Chris.
"Who's she, she's pretty" he said pointing over.
"She's.. Actually Peej's girlfriend" Phil said softly, stroking Chris' arm softly
"I'm really sorry".
"Me too" I said.
"Pfft! Guys! It's all good! Why would you be sorry?" He laughed. "I'm fine".
I felt his pain deeply, seeing Phil with Alex killed me.
"He's PJ you know, he's just-"
Chris' eyes widened and he spun round.
"PJ!" He said smiling.
I felt so awful, poor Chris... Poor Peej.
"Phil? Maybe we should leave them to it?" I leaned in close and whispered to him, he froze for a minute and his breathing hitched.
What is with him tonight?
"Sure" he mumbled.
"Philly!" Alex cooed from a few metres away.
'Ugh' me and Phil groaned in unison before looking at each other and giggling.
"Mm dance with me Philly" he giggled, flinging his arms around his neck.
"Alex..." He sighed.
"Mm Philly" he giggled burying his face into Phil's neck.
"How much did you drink?" Phil laughed shuffling away.
"Like a million glasses!" He giggled kissing Phil's cheek.
"Easy" I murmured, scowling boldly at him.
"Oh here!" He said leaning forwards and kissing me full frontal on the lips, before I hastily pulled away.
"What the fuck?!" I said angrily wiping my mouth.
"Now it's even!" He said excitedly "Maybe you should kiss me back, Danny" he winked.
"Alex, enough" Phil snarled.
"Oh relax, I'm joking, come here" he laughed, grabbing Phil's shirt collar and pulling him in, I lunged forward grabbing his shoulders and giving him a stern look.
"Maybe you should calm down Alex" I hissed.
"Mm, maybe!" He laughed.
Sitting on the carpet with his legs crossed like a little kid.
"Alex can we please talk" Phil sighed, leading him to his room.
I stood and watched them walk away and made the decision that I'd listen in on what they're saying.
I walked after them, watching Phil close the door and pressed my ear to the wood.

Star Gazing (Phanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora