Chapter 1: Contract for an Exotic

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Ok remember I didn't write this story!! I just want to remind you guys so you guys don't ask me to add stuff to the story or for something else I did not mention.

Plumes of smoke rose from the damp streets of Chinatown, the night illuminated by an eclectic multitude of lights, by street lamps and headlights and neon signs and the occasional softer glow of a decorative lantern. The pavement shimmered from recent warm rains, heralding the return to warmer weather and greener days. Many people bustled among the maze of streets that night, attending to their usual evening business, but the lights cast strange shadows upon the stern features of one man in particular.

Vegeta Oujisama walked alone, his long overcoat billowing and designer dress shoes clacking on the ground as he strode purposefully toward his destination. Turning off the main thoroughfare onto a side road, he spotted the address. Ahead of him lay a small and unobtrusive storefront, with a simple hanging wooden sign that only read "Count D's." He was just in time to witness a customer leaving, a man with a satisfied expression who carried a clear plastic bag full of exquisite, tiny tropical fish, the likes of which Vegeta had never seen before. They danced within the bag, glowing like radiant, precious gems.

So they do sell exotics, he thought. Promising...

The store's proprietor greeted Vegeta as soon as he stepped inside. "Ah, welcome, sir! I am Count D, manager of this store while my grandfather is abroad on business. You are just in time, I was beginning to shut down for the night. How may I be of service?"

Vegeta eyed him coldly. The man was tall, fair, and slender, his face and hands effeminate and delicate. A curtain of chin-length silky black hair framed his face and shaded his mismatched eyes, and he wore an embroidered and brocaded traditional Chinese cheongsam. Everything about him spoke of high breeding and expensive tastes, as reflected by the elaborate waiting room they stood in. Vegeta determined that the only way a pet shop owner could maintain such luxuries was the trafficking of black market, illegal animals.


"Yes, well," Vegeta began. "I don't really know what the hell I'm doing here. Lately I've had the crazy notion of buying an animal."

"Wonderful sir, then you are in the right place. We supply creatures from all over the world– the rarest of the rare is obtainable, for the right customer." The count appraised Vegeta in turn. He had heard much about this man, as a merciless CEO and as a highly arrogant and unfeeling personage among the echelons of the wealthy. His family had such power and influence that they could almost be considered royalty.

"You are Vegeta Oujisama, are you not? Businessman and heir to the Oujisama family fortune... and recently estranged from your lovely wife Buruma?"

Vegeta's eyes widened in shock at the shopkeeper's audacity, his infamous temper flaring. "Wha– and how the hell is that any of your business?!"

The manager gave a small bow but did not back down. He chuckled inwardly at how this was obviously a sore spot to the man. "Forgive me sir, I meant no offense. But many of my clients are from elite circles, and they are quite familiar with you and your social life. You are perhaps looking for a pet to occupy your thoughts, to distract you from your wife's absence?"

Vegeta bristled and fumed, enraged by the strange man's uncanny perception. "Hrrr... you're too forward for your own good. But I'll admit, you're partly right. And I don't want a damn 'pet,' I want an animal to keep. Something unusual."

"And what other qualities do you wish in this creature?"

Vegeta stared at the walls thoughtfully and began to pace the floor. "Something... wild...and beautiful. Something dangerous and powerful and predatory like a panther or a tiger, something forceful and masculine, an animal to complement a man like myself. But it should still be very well-trained...will listen to me, you know?"

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