Chapter One: A Change Of A Lifetime

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Mia's POV

It was a nice day, just by the looks from out my window. Usually in March there was still snow on the ground but this year was warmer than usual, well the past two years have been warmer. I think Hugh said it was because of some Pokemon named Reisham, whatever it was called. I quickly jumped from beside my window and headed to my closet. Since it was nice I would take advantage of it, with a teal sweater, dark grey jeans, and a nice pair wool socks. Before I grabbed my boots I saw something weird, the picture that sat on my stand changed. It was a picture of me and Melody sitting on a log just outside our house, but we were different. We both shared our father's bright orange hair, but my eyes were grey like our mothers and hers were green. In this photo however, my hair was black with white stripes and I had yellow eyes.

"What the hell?" I murmured walking closer to see if I wasn't just seeing things. I picked up the frame and glared at it, maybe it was some prank? But it wasn't, Melody's hair was a deep blue and she had yellow eyes as well. I dropped the frame of shock, the glass shattering all over my dark floor. Maybe I was still dreaming... yea dreaming. I'm still laying on my bed in an awkward position and that picture is still the normal picture I wake up and see every day.

"I'm sorry but that's just not possible." A feminine voice said in my ear. I quickly spun around to see who spoke but I was still the only person in the room.

I looked up at the mirror on my stand to see a girl standing next to me. But as quick as I saw her she was gone. My stomach flipped around then settled down.

"Mia the change... you knew it would happen." The voice said again. Before I knew it I was on the ground unable to breathe. I was writhing in pain as my lungs felt like they were on fire. An asthma attack felt nothing like this... this was hell. Black spots dotted on my eyes and I blacked out.

•   •     •    •    •    •    •    •    •    •    •    •    •
I must have woken up about an hour later, the sun was higher up and it was hotter. Sweat was pouring off my head, it couldn't be that hot could it? I slowly got up from the floor making sure I didn't hurt myself, then looked at the stand. The picture was still different, which meant... I wasn't dreaming... that all happened. My eyes slowly drifted to the mirror, my heart skipped another beat. I looked like me in the picture, there was no way to describe how I felt or an emoji! Okay wrong time I know... but this is serious!

"Incoming call from Hugh Azure." My Xtransceiver said. Hugh... oh Arceus what would he say about this? I quickly ran to my bed and grabbed a hat that sat upon it. I quickly tucked my hair I it and answered the call.

"Mia come outside I have a surprise!" He said smiling. A surprise? Hugh's surprises were usually us going to see how thawed the ice was in the pond beyond the look out and jumping it while it was still half frozen. I know it was so much fun...

"Uhm okay I'll be down in a sec." I said hanging up. Oh Arceus if Hugh saw me like this he would freak out. Hugh wasn't the person to take lightly to these things, it wasn't his thing.

"Calm down Mia, you're fine... nobody will know." I said slipping on my white snow boots and grabbing my backpack. I quickly ran down the stairs, but I stopped at the middle step. All of the pictures in the house changed, all of them were like the ones in my room. Everything about it was the same except me and Melody. Like we were the only ones who ever changed... no like we never changed. I brushed it off as I opened the door to meet Hugh. He looked as cool as ever, pretty Hugh-like. He stayed calm in almost any situation... unless it involves me or his sister.

"You're pretty slow." He said as I closed the door behind us. Rude as ever, psh... okay that was mean. At least I didn't say it aloud, he wouldn't be too happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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