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In the last year of elementary school, Harry was having his last exam. As he smoothly wrote his answers down, he reached the last page. It was a creative writing question, saying to write down how he felt- expressing whatever he wanted.

There was no more further explanation on the topic, leaving Harry with a very few dotted lines to fill-full. Harry started with;
"If only I had wings, i could become a bird and fly away...
If only I had fins, I could become a fish and swim to my dreams...
If I only could predict the length of life, I would hug the person that I love more...
But I simply do not have those, because there's no such a thing in life."

Harry finished off as he remembered, this year was when his parents passed away.

But as for Louis, the same question came up. And without hesitation he wrote; "If only I stopped going to school, I'd be the happiest of men."

That very same day, he got slapped by his mother because he failed in the exam, causing his parents to meet up with the head teacher of his school.

Chapter 1
Niall wake up, only to see the girl laying next to him. He stared at her for a while before deciding to fix some breakfast.
He changed to a t-shirt and sweatpants, heading to the kitchen.

Few minutes pass till he hears the door bell ringing. He hurriedly opened it, only to be met with his neighbor.
"Hey are you new? I've never seen you around before. Do you live here? My name is Ha-" Harry started but soon being interrupted by Niall, "I know what's your name, it's Harry Styles." Niall said with a huff.

Harry is twenty seven years old. But he always thought he's only twenty two.

Niall obviously did not just move in. He's been living here since last year. This was just like a daily routine for him. Going to make breakfast, seeing Harry. His breakfast magically disappearing. And Harry asking him the same thing. Niall didn't know what was the matter with this guy, but he didn't want to. Niall decided on buying breakfast again. Since the previous one disappeared. He stole a glance back at Harry and saw him walking back to his apartment.

When Niall was back he found Harry again. Niall just groaned and said "Why are you still here? Did you forget your keys?" Niall sighed, as his breakfast disappeared. Getting annoyed he leaves Harry behind and go to buy breakfast for the third time...

"Babe where's my breakfast? Its been hours." Mel, his girlfriend stated as she walked down the stairs with furrowed brows.
Niall ran a hand through his hair, getting more frustrated. "Mel you know what that Harry guy does, i have to buy breakfast again and again! He's so annoying."

Mel just rolled her eyes before replying, "Niall I told you that power will just affect people that stand 5 inches close to him.
"Why don't you just help him? I just don't understand why he's like this!"Niall said with a frustrated voice.

Harry is a guy that had been living a reversed life. Everyday he'll keep living the same day.Its been years and he still hasn't awoken yet. He doesn't know anything that has changed around him.

*few days later"
Niall was eating lunch with a friend when he saw a "guy" that stood right beside Harry, staring at him sadly. The guy was trying to touch Harry's cheeks, but Harry's face bit his fingertips just fade in Harry's face.

He can't touch him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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