
217 8 52

We will only be accepting 5 girls and 6 boys, so hurry and enroll guys!


First Name:

Middle Name: (If none, just leave it blank)


Screen Name:

Age: (13-18)




Physical Appearance:

Character Item:





Fatal Flaw:

Favorite Music Genre:

Favorite Band:

Instruments Played (if any):

EXAMPLE (This is the Protagonist's form)

First Name: Mitsuki

Middle Name:

Surname: Kurosaki

Screen Name: MAKO

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: For a girl, Mitsuki is very boyish. She doesn't sit cross-legged (instead she sits with her legs wide open like a boy)and she never cares if she doesn't eat properly (she'd even use bare hands if she had to). Mitsuki loves rock very much and she would often be seen holding a mini concert at very random places. People would often have 'scary' as their first impression of Mitsuki because she looks like the kind of person who'd be very dangerous when provoked. Mitsuki also speaks in a rough and kind of angry voice (even when she's not) which is why people are even more afraid of her. But deep inside, Mitsuki doesn't want to be feared. She's actually the kind of person who wants to have friends and socialize with others more. She doesn't want to be left out. But seeing that people would quickly avoid her once she comes nearer, Mitsuki just accepted the fact that the others don't need her and she just continued living a lonely life with nothing but rock music on her side.

Nationality: Japanese

Physical Appearance: Kurosaki Ranmaru genderbend (If you're going to go with this kind of answer, please provide the link of a picture so we can be sure)

Character Item: Wristbands

Background: Mitsuki was raised by her uncle since her parents worked somewhere far away. While other little girls would wish for a barbie doll or a pretty pink dress on their birthday, all Mitsuki ever wanted was to see her parents. Seeing how sad Mitsuki was, her uncle introduced her to rock music (since her uncle was an avid fan of rock) and everyday they would hang-out by the garage with Mitsuki's uncle teaching her how to play the electric guitar. This continued on until Mitsuki grew fond of rock music and decided that she couldn't live without it. By the age of 9, Mitsuki was already an expert at playing the electric guitar. She continued playing rock for years and her uncle saw her passion for rock music which is why he enrolled her at Rythmic Symphony High

Likes: Rock Music, Playing at concerts, chicken curry

Dislikes: Having no friends

Fears: Dogs

Fatal Flaw: Because of her looks and the way she acts, people tend to stay away from her, thus leaving her with no friends to talk to whenever she's down

Favorite Music Genre: Rock

Favorite Band: Any band that plays rock music

Instruments Played (if any): Electric Guitar 

Couple things you guys have to do

-Follow us for updates!
-Be active~
-Be patient (We have lives outside of Wattpad and we def won't be able to update that fast)
-Be nice to everyone here
-If possible,  vote or comment on every chapter so we know you guys aren't dead yet /cough

And that's it! Hope you guys enroll here!

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