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I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock. I reached for my bedside table & silenced the clock. I opened my right eye & peeked at the clock, it was 5 o'clock in the morning. That's where I remembered that it was the first day of January & that means that I still have 3 months & 16 days of school before I graduate Highschool.

FINALLY! Freedom! Hah! :) Minutes past, I got up & head to my bathroom & had a 15 mins. of Bath tub relaxation.

Okay, while I'm relaxing let me tell you my dreams after I graduate & a little about myself? Okay?

"I am Kristine Dulce Ofrasio, I am a senior highschool student & a Filipina. I like to watch TV & write stories, quotes & sometimes compose songs. Of course like any other people I like music. I dream of touring the whole world & see different & beautiful places. I'm a simple girl, I'm going to help other if I can & I fear God. I also I have 2 gorgeous friends Yra & Pia. Yra is like me & Pia, well we do have a lot in common sometimes but we often have the same thing in singing."

Uhmmm. Well, that's just about it! Oh! I need to go & be ready for school now. :)

So I got out of the bathroom & got dressed with a ripped faded jean shorts, a off shoulder shirt designed with abstract prints & a black ankle 3 inched boots. After that I put on some light make-up. A little foundation, mascara & lip gloss. After a last glance at the mirror of what I look like I went down stairs to eat breakfast.

In the Kitchen, I saw my Dad make breakfast, he cooked some scrambled eggs with a few slice of ham & it was paired with coffee & mine was mocha. :) I ate a little of the egg & a whole slice of ham, since it was my favorite & a few sips of my mocha. After that I brushed my teeth & said my goodbyes to Dad.

A 15 mins later ...

I am now at school & walking up the stairs heading to my room. When I got inside of my room, I immediately saw my bestfriend Pia, she immediately came over to my side as I walk past other students that are chatting, over to my desk. As we reached my desk I put my bag on my chair & was ready to sit when Pia hyterically says things to me & I can't even understand what she was saying & the other students were now looking at us. So I put my hand in her shoulders & said,

"WTH! Pia?! It's early & you're like what?! Have you taken drugs?!" (゚O゚)\(- -;

Pia chuckles loudly & said to me,

"Hah! I'm fine tin! I just missed you! Is that wrong?"( ^ω^ )

"Ugh! Pia! Hah! It's not that! It's just you, just haven't seen me i 2 days & you're freakin' out!" I said.

"Hah! Sorry! I just love you! Lol! Anyway, did you hear?" She says

"Hear what?" (・・?)

"One Direction is releasing a new single! Am freakin' excited already!" ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ She says again

Oh! I forgot to tell you! Pia, Yra & I likes One Direction. But the difference is, Pia only likes there songs & Yra & Me likes there songs & the person whose singing the song! Yra is a Niall girl & I'm a Harry girl. ;)

Ohhhkay! Back to convo.

"When?! & What's the title?" I said.

"I still dont know, but worry I'll research it for you. I'm really excited!" She said.

"Yeah, sure you are!" (*^_^*)

Minutes later our Teacher arrived, so we head back to our seats & listened to our Teacher~

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2013 ⏰

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