Chapter 2

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Aidens POV

I scramble up as the girl sprints off, still laughing. I'm gonna KILL her. I swear. I sprint after her, dodging through the crowd. I spot her as she leaps over a table in the cafeteria, glancing back and catching my eye. Her eyes widened as she spotted me, and she sped up, dodging down an empty corridor. I follow, speeding up and spotting her just as she ducks into the library. I reach the doors, slightly breathless. I look around, but I can't see her. The hell? That's when I spot her, peering down another gap in the shelves, still giggling. I walk over to her silently, gripping her shoulders as she spins round to walk this way. She yells, looking up at me in surprise. I let a smirk settle on my face. She gulps.
"Am I in trouble, or-" I interrupt her before she can finish.
"You're in big, big trouble, shorty." She laughs.
"I've had worse threats, bro, come at me." She sounds wierd saying this. Almost... empty.
"Mr Ryxton! What, dare I ask, is going on in here?" Both of us jump at the sound of the head teacher's voice.
"I- we- I was just-" I struggle to think of an excuse as the girl laughs beside me.
"Mr Ryxton here was just showing me around, Sir. If you don't know, I'm new to the country, Sir, and I wasn't aware how the school systems worked over here. Sorry about this... are we not allowed in here, or-"
"Of course, you must be Harper Jamison, right? Of course you're allowed in here, it's just- never mind, just... continue. My apologies, Mr Ryxton. Miss Jamison." With that, he leaves. I find my self staring at her, as she gives me a smug smile.
"What? Never seen a girl play dirty before, or-" I interrupt quickly.
"You're the British kid, right?" She scowls at that.
"I'm English. There's a difference." I chuckle.
"Whatever you say, shorty."

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