The Dauntless Divergent

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I knock on the door lightly, I knew what I was going to do.

"What's the password?" Michael called from the otherside and I roll my eyes and sigh.


The door opens, to his fortune. I didn't think I could play the guessing game much longer before I hit the door with my palm or simply leave the boys until closing. "You guys can leave, but keep your hoods up, just in case." They all nod and zip their hoodies, and cover their heads.

Luke hands me the pen and paper I brought with me. I take it from his hand, but I stop him with my other. He looks down at me with his vibrant, but confused blue eyes, "Kitty-"

"Luke." I say simply and squeeze his hand, it is warm and firm. He nods and follows his friends out of the door with deflated swagger to his step.  

I feel heat settle in my face and weight set in my stomach. The glass of water I chugged was beginning to make me regretful. I go into the same stall I had before and look at the lyrics written sloppily, just under it now was a sharpie scribbled signature. Calum Hood. I couldn't help but to giggle.

As I am washing my hands a dog eared page in my notepad catches my eye. I turned to the page that was marked and it had a neatly written note on it.


We were teasing Luke earlier, he likes you, but we blew it out of proportion. Don't blame him for anything. I would like to invite you to a small party Saturday. (Address somewhere in New York) Apart. c204 at 7:00pm.

 Ash xx

My heart drops. My favorite band invited me to their apartment for a party. I wondered when karma would set in and bite me for all this odd fortune. I set a reminder for Saturday and write their address in my phone.

Saturday rolls around and I have my weekly running clothes on. My time away from my mountainous home town put me on a run every week. I look down at my watch and it is 5:30 in the afternoon, I breathe in the evening air and start a steady jog down the sidewalk.

It felt like mere minutes had passed before I looked down at my phone again to gauge my total speed by distance divided by time. My phone told me it was 6:30.

Surely not an hour... I think incredulously.

My heart stops when the digital screen blinks once, transferring to another page without command, and starts to ring on the minimally crowded sidewalk. Quickly, I stop the buzzer and look at the notification that came with it.

Skip run. 5SOS party at (address in New York). -date saved Dec. 4 4:25 P.M.

I cringe inwardly. 5SOS party? Ashton, Michael, Calum, and Luke are all very real people now. They are no longer a band of unattainable men with beautiful faces and stunning personalities. 

They are human beings with lives just as vivid as mine.

Especially Luke....

I blink the thought away. That wasn't the sole, or biggest cringe worthy reality of my situation.

I was invited to 5 Seconds of Summer's apartment for a party, and I was going to be late.


"What time did you tell her to be here, Ash?" I ask, bouncing my knee from where I sit on the couch. I didn't know he planned this with Kat involved, he only said that it was a party between us guys and a secret plus one. It wasn't hard to figure out who it was.

"I told him or her to be here by 7. He or she should be here within the next five minutes."

We hear two groans from the kitchen, "You said that 15 minutes ago, Ash!" Calum yells and Michael adds,"Did you tell her the wrong address? She's probably wandering around New York somewhere hating your guts sending her on a wild goose chase."

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