7. Coming Home

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For the rest of the flight Dalton and I talked about everything I missed for the past 4 years. He told me how Trenton broke his right leg while skateboarding and that he needed to have surgery. He also said that Trenton started dating this girl named Rebecca for almost 2 years until she broke up with him for another guy. He said it broke his heart. I could just imagine Trenton getting his heart broken. Wish I could have been there to comfort him. Dalton talked my ear off and now I’m totally caught up in the moment so my dad wont have to tell me all of this stuff, even though I’m afraid he still might want to tell me everything.

            As we were walking off the plane Dalton whips his phone out and starts texting fiercely.

“who are you texting already?” I ask suspiciously.

“Randy, telling him that your home! And that we were on the same plane and didn’t even recognize each other”

 “oh okay”

 we go get our luggage and then go find a cab. My dad would of picked me up but he called right before my plane took off to leave to say that his boss called and he was needed at work last minute and wouldn’t be able to pick me up and to just take a cab home. We fetch a cab with a Cuban looking guy driving that doesn’t seem to know that much English. 4876 Cedar road. I tell the cab driver. He says something in Cuban and turns on the thing that keeps track of the miles. Dalton looks at me and smiles.

“wow, I can believe your actually home Marce”

“yea me either, its been a long time. Heck I don’t think I remember what my dads house looks like. Just kidding, I don’t think I could ever forget that old house, way to many memories”

 “aha yeah I’d say” Dalton says laughing, and looking kinda vacant eyed, like he was  reminiscing.

          A few minutes later we end up at my house, I haul all my suit cases out of the cab’s trunk and try to carry them all at once. But that’s not going to happen, so I pick up the most I can carry and take them to the front porch and set them down then go back for the others. Dalton is already at his front door and opening it with all his suit cases in tow. Same old Dalton, not being a gentle man and helping a girl carry any thing. But I guess he probably figured I wouldnt have accepted his help anyways. When I was younger if the guys tried to help me do anything I would pitch a fit and yell at them that I got it, or I can do it myself. I don’t need no guys help. But now, it would have been nice. After I get inside and pull all my suit cases inside the foyer I walk into the kitchen and get a drink. I find a note on the table from my dad it says:

 Hey baby girl, I hope you got home nice and safe, which means you would be reading this note. I feel bad that I couldn’t come and pick you up from the air port so when I get home we are going out to eat with everyone and then coming back home to have a “welcome home” party.

Love dad.

           Same old dad, always putting to much detail into his notes. I smile and let out a sigh. Now I have to go unpack everything. I haul it all upstairs and into my bedroom. I freeze when I open the door and see my room. Did I really like this stuff when I was 13? Geeze. My room was panted a ugly green and I had a batman bed spread. Ewe. I really need to do some shopping. I unpack all my stuff and fit it into my small closet and dresser. I still have a whole suitcase that needs to be unpacked but no room for the clothes anywhere. I look at the clock, its 3:58pm. My dad gets home at 6. I think ill take a nap for a while then shower. Ill get up at 5. That should give me plenty of time to take a shower and get ready. When I was younger all it took for me to get ready was 10 minutes. Now it takes like 45 minutes. Sometimes longer. 

              My alarm clock goes off and I get up to take a shower. After I get out I go through my clothes and find a cute purple sundress and a pair of strappy sandals. I go out side and find sue on there back porch. “SUE!!” I yell as I run over to her and give her a great big hug. “oh my! Marcy?” she says looking startled. "Sue!! I miss you so dang much!!" I squel.

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