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Do you happen to ship two people together?

By ship, not by crossing the seas to go to other places.

It means pushing two people to be together. It can be...realistic or fantasy.

Have you shipped two actors to be together? A loveteam perhaps?

If your answer is yes, I guess it's going to be hard for you to cope up with the truth.

If your answer is no, I'd say you're going to be lucky and really careful about these things.


Because.. It's just not the truth.

You may ship them because they look cute.


Because they are sweet to each other.

But what happens if I tell you.. It's all just a show?

Will you be more interested?

Or will you just let go of what you used to love?

Do you want to know what's real and what is not?

Just listen to me, I will tell you everything.

This is the truth.

Elsa's POV

''You ready, babe?'' my boyfriend asked me as the car stopped.

I'm Elsa Clarisse Arens. I'm 22 years old and I live in Doncaster, London. I live in an apartment with my sister and my parents are in Ireland. My sister, Anna, and I decided to go here to live a normal life without our parents' orders. Well, they were the ones who sent us here. We were here to study in high class school and now that I graduated, it's my choice if I want to go back in Ireland or stay here.

And well, here I am! I didn't want to go back to those fake friends of mine in Ireland. They made me feel like I was a fish in Mars, and so, I was happy that I left. Take that, bishes.

Oh, I also have a boyfriend. He's 24 years old and his name is Josh Edward. He was a schoolmate in college and we started dating. We're already 3 years together and our anniversary is coming soon.

We're outside a club right now. I'm wearing a short and fit dress and some black wedge. I didn't wear much make-up. I hate them. It's like covering your own beauty. Ugh.

''Let's go.'' I said and stepped outside the car. I looked around me and saw that there were a few people out here. Josh went beside me and put his arm around my waist. I smiled at him and we walked together inside the club.

When we got in, the place was fully packed. The music was so loud and people were dancing on the dance floor. I looked around us to search for our friends. Josh tapped my shoulder and I looked at him.

''There they are!'' he yelled. The music was really loud we had to yell at each other to understand each other. I held his hand we went to our friends. When we got there, few of Josh's friends were there and my Anna's friend was the only girl.

''Violeta!'' I screamed and her attention turned towards me.

''Elsa, so nice seeing you here! Gosh, you look sexy af in that dress.'' she said and kissed my cheek.

''Hi Josh'' she said and lightly kissed his cheek.

''Hello there Violeta. Say, I'm going to drinks for me and Elsa, okay?'' he said and we all nodded. Josh then looked at me and smirked. His lips found mine and I quickly responded to his kiss, when he pulled away, he kissed my cheek.

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