Freshman Year

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            "Mom come on we'll be fine we're in high school now."

I said the morning of my first day of school. My sister and I had been in Catholic School since kinder garden so going to a public school was a big step.

"Ready Stephanie?" Erica said. "Yes I am so excited."  My sister and I are twins and we won't be in any classes together so this is a bigger step for us than anything. We walked into the big brown doors of Rosamond High School of Dramatic Arts and Sciences. My sister was going into arts and I was going into science.

"Hello Freshman welcome to the first day of the best 4 years of your lives. I am Principal Stevens and Hello class of 2013. Your class roosters are posted on your lockers and have a great day."

"So sis lets get going." We walked all over the place till she found her's. "It's ok I'll find it." I walked around the library and I found it. See there's something you have to know about me I am not the hottest girl ever and I wear glasses and fall over my feet and when I see guys I stutter.  "Come on stupid locker open." "Hey need help?" A boy said. "Ya thanks." He moved me over and he opened it. "Thanks I'm Stephanie by the way and you are?" 

"Jason my lockers right next to yours so if you ever need help I'm here." "Thanks so what's you major?" "Science." "Mine too." "Cool well better be going but see you around Steph." "Hey sis so you are already flirting?" "Ha ha no just had a problem opening my locker." "So I'll see you at lunch."

      "Ok." My first class was English. "Hello class I am Mr. Pick and I will be your English 1 teacher your names are on the desk that you will have all year. You will seat in 2's. I found my name and I waited to see who this Oliver was. All we did was talk about our favorite books and stuff and when this guy walked in the whole room stopped.

"Who are you?" "Oliver Anderson."

"Ok your seat is the empty one next to Stephanie."

"Ok good everyone is here we will spend the rest of class getting to know your classmate next to you."

"So I'm Stephanie and your Oliver?" "Yep nice to meet you."

"So what do you like about english?" I asked. "I like that you can be yourself and if you can't be yourself with people you can always write about it." "Wow you seem like you want to presume this as a career." "Ya I think if I can't become an actor I can always write for a show."

"Cool." The bell rang. "See you later  shortcake." I knew this was going to be a good class. 

       High School has it's up's and down's and one is fitting in. See when you are a Cheerleader or a Football star you are a Popular kid someone everyone looks at and say's "Damn I want to be like him." But when you are just a shy book worm like myself some may call you a geek but I like to think of myself as a smarty pants. Well the first year went by fast but the week before school ended there was party at one of the Jock's houses and Erica was invited so she asked me to tag along with her and her arts friends. 

The minute we got there  Erica went off with her friends so I sat on the couch and listened to what some people call music. "This seat Taken?"

"No" I said.

"I'm Tyler and you are Stephanie right?"

"Ya I have Science with you right?"

"Yes hey do you want to listen to some better music?" He asked.

 "Sure but where?" "My room." He walked me upstairs and he shut his green door behind him.

"So why do you wear glasses your eyes are so blue try contacts." "Ya maybe I will."

Downstairs Oliver was just getting to the party and saw Erica and asked where I was and she said, "I don't know maybe she went to the bathroom."

"So Steph. why don't you take off your jacket it is hot in here?" "Ok." He helped me take off my jacket and left the room to get drinks. "So here taste this tell me what you think." "What is it?"

"My special blend just for the girls such as yourself." "It taste good but what is this powder stuff? Wait did you give me something?" "Yep so just close your eyes and let me take care of you."

He started to take off my pants and than he took of my glasses and undid my ponytail. "Wait Tyler please don't."

"Sorry but trust me I don't bite." He started to take off my shirt when he did the door opened.

"Oh sorry." Oliver said as he walked in until he saw it was it me.

 "Oliver help." "Stephanie." "Help me he gave me something."

"Tyler what the hell is wrong with you?"

"She asked for it and plus look at her as if anyone else is going to do anything to her."

"You Sick son of A Bitch." Oliver punched him and than Tyler left. "Oh don't look Oliver please." "Stephanie it's ok here take me coat. Is it ok if I carry you downstairs?"

"Yes please." "Hey look at this it's a love story from hell." "Steph are you ok. Oliver what happened?" "Tyler was attacking her." "Oh god can you take her home I'll take care of Tyler. My Parents aren't home so here's the key can you stay till I get there?" "Sure."

He walked me home and took me up to my room. "Oliver what happened?" "Stephanie are you sure you want me to tell you." "Yes Oliver please."

"Ok Tyler tried to rape you he did but before He could finish I walked in and stopped him." "Did you see me... you know... naked?" "Yes but I swear I won't tell anyone."

"Well since you already saw me naked can you help me take a shower?" "I don't know are you sure?"

"Yes please I want to get his filthy feel off me." "Ok." He walked me to the bathroom I got undressed than he came in He held me up while I got cleaned. He help me at my waist and put the shampoo in my hair. "Oliver thank you."

"It's no problem." When I was finished I went to my room and I asked. "Hey do you find me attractive in any way?"

"Are you serious?" "Well I did hear what Tyler said. "Tyler's a asshole and yes I do very much but don't listen to Tyler he has no idea about what is nice and beautiful in the world."

"Thank you Oliver." The phone range.

      "Hello." "Hey Stephanie I know you are still upset but can I talk to Oliver?" "Sure. Erica wants to talk to you." "Hey. listen my parents will be in New York for the next few days and I am stuck at Hope's  can you stay just for the night Please." "Sure." "Thanks." "Steph are you alright with Oliver staying with you tonight?"

"Sure but we have school tomorrow." "I know I'll meet you there tomorrow." "Ok." 

"So I'll go make some coffee want some?" "Sure." We sat up and talked for hours and I fell asleep he covered me up and than he slept on the couch in my room. I woke up and saw him he had these weird marks on his body. "Hey ready for school Shortcake?" "I guess I have no choice." I put on sweats and a T-shirt.

"Hey look it's the ugly bitch liar." Everyone said as I walked down the hallway to my locker. The next day.

 "Hey I heard what happened are you ok?" Jason asked me.

"Ya thanks Jason."

I went to English and realized that Oliver was not there. It was the last class and when I went to my locker I saw Tyler and his friends they didn't see me. I walked out to meet Erica I was standing by the front doors of the school when Tyler approached me.

"Thanks for being such a sweet girl last night I had fun."

"Can you leave me alone please you got what you wanted."

"Ya and your friend got what he deserved today." "What are you talking about?" "We showed him what happens when you interrupt us."

I started to think and I ran toward the bus and I realized I had to find Oliver as fast I could.

The Morning BoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin