The Start of something*Edited*

Start from the beginning

( Feya's travel gear minus the collar part.)

Her hair was pulled into a high tight bun around her neck was a beaded necklace of some kind with a wolf's head on it.

Her hair was pulled into a high tight bun around her neck was a beaded necklace of some kind with a wolf's head on it

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(Blue beads and a wolf head in the middle.)

"Wow lass, they fixed you up well in Asgard," Dwalin said.

Feya bowed her head "All I need is the rest of my weapons which those I will wait on for the most part." she said.

Feya signaled for her wolves to follow and the pair got up and followed her.


Feya took a step out of the hobbit hole and her mind went back to the Shire set in New Zealand. She hoped that the others were alright and hoped that Fury called in the others. Feya sat down on the bench as her wolves played in the grass in front of her. A hobbit walked past the gate and stopped to look at her. She knew who it was it was Bilbo's cousin whose name escaped her, but she knew the woman was a Sackville-Baggins "Excuse me, but what are you doing sitting in my cousin's front yard?" the woman asked.

Feya looked at her "Who I am is none of your concern madam," she said, "I am however here on the behalf of Odin who was friends with Belladonna Baggins."

The woman's eyes went wide "Pardon my questions lady of Asgard." the woman said and went on her way.

Gandalf walked out the door with a chuckle "Well handled Feya, that would be  Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, dreadful woman nowadays." said Gandalf

"I fear I must speak with the Thrain then, Lobelia will rob Bilbo blind and auction off his belongings if he leaves on this journey," she said.

Gandalf looked at her in horror "Oh dear, we mustn't let that happen now can we?" Gandalf asked

"That's if he signs the contract," Thorin said walking out 

"He will give him time. By noon today, he will have chased us across the Shire." she said getting up, "Fi, Ki stay here." 


Kili walked outside in time to see Feya walk away from Mr. Boggins's home. Gandalf chuckled "I have a feeling she is right Thorin and she is going to make sure Master Baggins's properties aren't tampered with." Gandalf said

"How so Mr. Gandalf?" he asked

"Well young Kili, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins has been after Bilbo's home for a while. If he were to return with that dreadful woman he will be robbed blind and be without a home." Gandalf said

"All the more reason for him to stay," Thorin said.

The Wolves named after  him and his brother growled at Thorin as his uncle looked at them in shock "They are enforcing their caretaker's sight of mind." Gandalf said

"Which is?" Thorin said

"If you have something to say, say it to someone's face, not behind their back Thorin." came a voice from one of the wolves

"What in the name of Mahal was that?" Dwalin asked

"That is a nice little feature of my Wolve's collars, I can hear everything around them and I can relay messages. Two-way communications good for about five miles." came the reply of Feya's voice, "I added them to their collars this morning."  

Kili looked at his brother "Midgard is full of magic." Ori said

"Not, Magic little Ori, Technology my Uncle is famous for making things. As well as my cousin," she said, "Now if you would excuse me I have a Thrain to talk to."


After Feya talked to the Thrain who was more than happy to make it known if Bilbo left, Bagend was not to be touched. When she returned to the hobbit hole her wolves were waiting with the others by the Green Dragon with their ponies. Just then the Bi-frost activated leaving her horse Xena in the field. Xena had all of her tack on as she walked over "Odin sent you didn't he girl?" she asked.

Xena nodded her head, the golden palomino's golden mane flowing around her neck "At least I got you and the furballs." she said stroking her blaze on her forehead 

"That is a beautiful creature," Dwalin said

"Xena has been my friend through many troubles," she said as she swung herself into the saddle.

Once everyone was ready the left the Green Dragon and started their trip to Erebor...

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