Part one

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"Get the hell out of my house!!" My dad says yelling at my mother. I back away in tears because lately they always fight. Me and my brother are two years apart, and sometimes I feel like my dad didn't even want us. I hear my mother saying,"what did I do!" trying to hold back her tears. I can't take this anymore, I thought. All my life, 16years and not one year goes by when my dad hasn't yelled at me, my brother, or anyone really. The one I really feel bad for is my mom and grandmother, my 'dad' always insults my mom or her family. And my grandma, well she is miserable. She can't walk well and my 'dad' is supposedly taking care of her. But if you call yelling,calling her my her first name, not even mom, forcing her to take so much medicine and not even being nice to her, taking care of then your doing it all wrong. Sometimes I just need to get out, I can't take all this. I go over to the kitchen to get a tissue when my mom comes back with tears in her eyes. Sometimes I feel my parents are drifting apart, maybe it's because they didn't want a children,which would be me and my brother. I mean even though we are socs and we have everything we want I can't take my life anymore

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