Chapter 11 - Treasure on a Silver Platter

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After another week, the beautiful woman's husband, Yue Ling, still had not come back. But he had sent a servant back.

According to this servant, the Yue Clan's Castle was now bustling with excitement. There were lanterns and banners decoration everywhere, and guests filled the house to the doors.

The reason was that the Second Branch Family son, Yue Feng, had successfully contracted a grimoire at six years old. Even the Four Great Sects had came to their house to offer him a place at their Schools. Other than the Fairy Spirit Pavilion who only took in women, Eastern Ocean Crystal Palace, Southern Mountains Floating Mist Sect, Western Lion Pagoda and Northern Moon Fairy Pavilion, had all sent people to offer him a place. Even the Emperor and Empress had sent people to congratulate them. All of the government officials had also came to pay their respects. Every member of the Yue Family Clan was busy with the social interactions, even Yue Ling had to remain behind to help out.

With regards to the [Spirit Beast Awakening Knowledge Pill] that costs a thousand gold, the Lord of Yue Clan had ordered Yue Ling to give it to Yue Feng as a present.

"Since little Ninth was offerred a place with the East, South, West, these three Great Sects, why didn't grandpa (the Yue Clan Lord) and Second Uncle send someone to inform us to join their celebration?" Yue Bing paled when she heard the news. Although she was still young, she had already understood a few of worldly wisdom.

"It's okay, it's just a banquet. It doesn't matter if we don't go. As long as our San-er can be successful in the future, everything's okay." The beautiful woman's eyes were a little red.

The main house had now shown their contempt to her Fourth Branch Family clearly, but she was not disheartened.

Even as the [Spirit Beast Awakening Knowledge Pill] that they had given all their wealth to buy was snatched away by the Second Branch Family, her heart was not dejected.

This was because, she felt, she had gotten all her life's wish. It was that her San-er had successfully contracted a grimoire. As long as he had a grimoire, he would have great prospects in the future. With regards to whether the Lord of Yue Clan invited them to the celebratoin banquet, she did not care at all. Although she felt a little wronged and a little sad with this public act of contempt, but she could resign herself to these adversities, cheer up and get over them.

"..." Yue Yang was astonished deep in his heart. Contracting the grimoire at the age of six, he knew very clear what this signifies.

If we take students as an example, people who had succesfully contracting a grimoire was like a student who managed to pass the college exam and entered Harvard. If nothing happened in the future, he would probably have a great future.

Amongst the teenagers in the Soaring Dragon Continent, 99% of them wouldn't be able to contract a grimoire. Only a handful of talents would be able to do it.

Furthermore, amongst the grimoire users, most of the people would only be able to contract the grimoire at the age of fifteen and above.

Taking the students example, it was like successfully passing the college entrance exam at the age of fifteen. This time, Yue Feng had managed to do it at the age of six. No wonder this event had caused the whole clan to celebrate madly, royal families' blessings, and even place offerings at the Four Great Sects. Of course, Yue Yang didn't really envy him. He knew clearly what he had. He had the Twin Star Innate Skill, the secret to evolving the [Spitting Thorny Flower] into [Golden Crown Thorny Flower Queen], and that he could summon his Guardian Spirit Beast [Phantom Shadow] for a period of up to ten days.

Most importantly, Yue Yang had an [Innate] skill that even the top rankers of the Soaring Dragon Continent could only wish to learn, the [Innate Invisible Sword Qi].

Zhao Huan Wan Shui (Banzai Summon)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang