What do I do now?

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"Hiding true colors
Made you fall apart."
-Dazzle//Oh wonder


Once you played with the devil, they'll return a favor for you. There's a reason behind everything Jenny, just because you 'think' you hit rock bottom before, doesn't mean you actually did. This is probably gonna be you're worst nightmare, I hope you know that. This time, you'll really hit rock bottom. But I wonder... What happens to "Rachel Berry" after she's hit it? Let's see.
I walked towards him. Dang his eyes, like how can anyone's eyes be so crystal clear like his? Stop Jenny, you dislike him now. Chill,chill,chill Jenny. Okay we need to gather together, GATHER TOGETHER. He walked towards me next to the one and only Paul Heyman. Or otherwise the pig, sorry not sorry but it's hilarious name for him.

"Hey um Rachel can I talk to you for a sec?" He said looking at me

"Yeah?" I said reassuringly trying not to break out of character

He brought me to the side, shooing Paul away so we could have a private converstation. Well here it goes.

"Um, well I don't really know how to put this but like, were you at the house warming party?" He said confidently or awkwardly

I started sweating a little, like I mean if I said I was there then he probably get more info that I might be Jenny, and if I said no, then he'd know I'm lying or I think...

"Uh no I was at the gym working out.."

"Are you sure? Cause I saw you there.."

"Well yeah I did go to the house warming party but not really, I came to drop something off drink a little wine and went to the gym."

"Hm did you go to the side of the house? He said looking at me.

Dang he's so hot with his jogger pants, I mean like it's not even possibly how hot he looked at the moment, just imagine with his shirt off. Wait, did he ask me a question.?

"Uh Rachel??" He looked at me confused

"Uh no no I went through the  front.. I signed some of the fans things then left."

"Hmm, well okay. Sorry about that, you just I don't how but your really uh beautiful. Just like the other girl last year, I wonder what happened to her.. " he said then looking down at his shoes.

Did He just call me beautiful? HE JUST CALLED ME BEAUTIFUL! wait wait wait, that doesn't count cause it's the personalities not the look. Ugh what a jerk thinking it's all about the appearance. He stood awkwardly there... It was silent for a good minute.

"Sorry I didn't mean it that way..." He said with a low voice

Wow, I mean seriously. Nevermind, he's just wasting my time. It was cute though. I'll give it that.

"Wait I didn't mean it that way." He said shaking his head

"Anyways I have to head off, bye." He said turning around to leave.

Okay then, well it sounded like what you would think of him, the not so nice beast. Whatever I'm just over it.

She walked leaving where she was, she head for the catering going over to grab food. She saw general manager Vicki Guerrero stuffing her face with Big Macs. She laughed, walking over to the Bella's.

I  Wanted You to Love Me  -COMPLETED-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant