What Xiomara wants, Xiomara gets! (1-3)

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Yohanna Cleeves?

She is my best friend since high school. She has boyfriends... BOYFRIENDS and not BOYFRIEND. There are three things that we have in common. First, we both love watching anime. Second, we both suck in physics. Third, we do not like to have serious relationship with boys - we just want to play with them!

Nathan Durand?

He is one of Yohanna's boyfriends. He loves her so much that he does not even care if Yohanna is a flirt. He knows that Yohanna do not like her that much but he still don't want to breakup with her!


I am Xiomara Tatcher and unlike Yohanna, I only have one boyfriend... but he will expire next week. I change my boyfriend every three months just for a change. When I first met Nathan, I told myself that he would be my next boyfriend not knowing that he is Yohanna's most-faithful-boyfriend-ever. I was about to back off when I found out that he is Yohanna's boyfriend but then she told me that she really don't care if she loose Nathan. So here I am trying to prove to everyone, most especially to Nathan, that what Xiomara wants, Xiomara gets!

Chapter One: Nathan Durand

"Wake up Xiomara!" Jaden screamed.

"Wait..." I mumbled. I hugged my teddy bear tightly and ignored the noise my brother was making just to wake me up. He kicked my left foot but I still did not move. After kicking me for three times I finally gave up and went to the bathroom.

I put on a white baby doll shirt and a black skinny jean. I braided my hair and put on some lipstick and eyeliner. It was our first day in school so I have to look charming so that I could catch everyone's attention. I took up Electrical Engineering though I am not good - I mean pathetic - in mathematics and physics. What I really want is Tourism but my whole family contradicted me and forced me to take Engineering.

"Your boyfriend is already downstairs," Vivien said spitefully. My sister does not like my new boyfriend. She told me that my new boyfriend is boastful and very irresponsible.

"Relax sis... I assure you that I will break up with him next week."

"Don't you get tired of having different boyfriends every month?" She closed the door and stepped closer to me. "Don't you want to have a serious relationship with the one you really love?"

I looked at her glumly. "I have tried that before but nothing good happened. The pain that I felt that time was like hell so why would I bother having a serious relationship if I can have a relationship with different guys without hurting myself?"

I picked up my shoulder bag and left without another word. I don't understand why my sister had to mention about my past. She knew how painful it was for me. It took me two years just to get rid of those memories and there she was talking again about love and serious relationships.

"Are you okay?" Danny asked. He opened the door of his car for me and gave me a dozen of red roses.

"Yes," I said sweetly. He never failed in giving me flowers and chocolates that is why feel very lucky to have him. "Thanks for the flowers. They are very beautiful."

"No problem." He bent forward to kiss me but I looked away.

"I told you before that you are not allowed to kiss me Danny," I said through gritted teeth.

He exhaled heavily and started the engine. We arrived at school at around eight o'clock. Yohanna was already there at the front gate and based on her facial expression I could easily tell that she was having an argument with his boyfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2009 ⏰

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