Chapter One

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So I know you are all mad about Mae's death. And I am sorry that it happened, but getting rude messages dissing my work is very disrespectful. I took the chance to try something new (all my stories have happily ever afters) and have there be a somber mood at the end. And most of the feedback seems to be negative. I am an author; I wanted to do something spontaneous. I know it's sad she died, I LOVED their relationship... but I have an idea and I hope you can all bare with me while I write out this next story.

It will be unlike the first two... Shaye will NOT overcome her disability. There will NOT be major deaths and there will NOT be trouble with rogues. But there WILL be gushy romance, sexy scenes, defy moments... I can't promise there won't be tears... There will be moments I go back in time and bring Mae and Lucas's hidden moments alive..

The death was unexpected, but I honestly was in the mood for a change (the whole story stealing deal urged me to change it up). And I am sorry. I really hope you guys give Shaye's story a chance... You will enjoy it!

Now, back to reading!!



February 2, 2054

I sit at the kitchen table, watching as Nile walks over to cook eggs, rubbing the back of his neck. He is stressed out. Just a few days ago my brother was given the Alpha position after Alpha Tyler and Luna Jenny went on a suicide mission to kill Luna Mae of the Cipher pack. We knew the Alpha's wouldn't make it back. We were already preparing Nile's ceremony.

Tyler and Jenny teamed up with the dwindling number of rogues, who were eager for a good fight. After Jenny sliced her niece's throat, Lucas Donovan slaughtered Tyler and Jenny.

I tried to stop them, to convince them that they were only fueled on revenge. That they didn't want to tear the Donovan family apart- they have already been through so much. But they told me they'd rather die than live another day without their son Duke.

Duke. The psycho cousin who tried to kill Mae and her daughter, Shaye. In my opinion, he deserved what he had coming.

So did Jenny and Tyler.

The Cipher pack held no grudges against us. They knew the actions against Mae was done exclusively by Jenny and Tyler. They know Nile has always been loyal to the alliance. As is everyone else of the Prowler pack.

After Nile moved from Beta to Alpha, I had to take up his old job. I didn't have the first clue of being a Beta, just as Nile doesn't know what being an Alpha is like.

"I'm going to attend the funeral." I speak aloud. Nile casts a look over his shoulder before he transfers his scrambled eggs to his plate.

"No, you're not." He mumbles. Arching an eyebrow, I cross my arms.

"It's what's right, Nile. I hope you decide to come with me." Getting to my feet, I head upstairs to get ready, dressing up in black slacks and a white button down dress shirt. I complete the outfit with a black tie and black shoes. I grab my suit jacket and throw it over my shoulder as I walk out of my room.

I step into my bathroom and quickly comb my hair into place, then applying after shave. Before I exit, I take a look in the mirror, staring at myself as I let out a sigh. This is who I am. Colton Daigle... twenty nine year old, mateless Beta.

My parents passed away when Nile turned thirty five, two years ago. They were in an accident; their death has been kept secret from Nile and myself. Tyler told us we didn't need to know how they died. Just that they were gone. It has been Nile's mission, now that he is Alpha, to find out some answers. I'm positive Tyler destroyed any documentation that would give us the truth.

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